Feel the full force of my internet dribbling... Read in shock as people actually reply to my posts!
Mon, 16 Dec 2024 16:24:39 GMT Win win win win - my wife feels she HAS to win
You have a terrible habit of having to play the win win game. You go into any antsy awkward conversation with the "I'm going to win" attitude and if you start to lose you just throw a wobbler and walk out or start dragging things up from 3 years ago.
It's sad really that you constantly feel the need to fight with the man you married, to be in combat with him at every point of adversity instead of just listening and working on resolving problems.
You can't put YOUR ego and YOUR pride aside and try to understand what your husband is saying to you! You put more effort into going out with you buddies than you do when you go out with your husband then try to use some lame excuse about "it's not like for like" or "you said I look like a clown with make up on". When I confront about it you turn it into an argument becasue you can't just listen and accept and try to understand that it hurts! I guess if I was as weak as you I'd do the same!
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Fri, 06 Dec 2024 22:25:52 GMT Female Communication Skills
You're bringing up a bunch of shit from months or years ago so now I'm standing there wondering what the fuck you are going on about and now I can barely remeber what I tried to talk to you about in the first place you do this for one reason alone.
To try and defelect the fact that YOUR man has a problem with YOUR behavior away from you!
You love to be combative, you love to be passive agressive and your idea of communication is running out of the room and hiding from your own shitty behaviour then repeating that EXACT same pattern in a few weeks or months.
I bet you come back waaaay to drunk tonight too. If you don't I'll post "eat my hat" tomorrow!!!
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Sat, 30 Nov 2024 22:45:34 GMT Long word women
You call me a narcissist becasue I'm trying to set boundaries with you and you don't fucking like it.
I have grown and healed from the damage my parents did to me when I was young. It's a shame you can't say the same.
You have been a chameleon since the first day we met, I'm not sure why it took me this long to realise it. You change your mask to suit who you are with at any given time.
Would your customers be OK with that screaming, ranting fucking banshee harpy that I see when I say something you don't like??
You pretended to be logical and calm but in reality you are far from it!
You told me "my partying days are over" but they aren't... You lied and lied and lied and you can't even admit that to yourself or maybe you do which is why you are do opposed to the truth!
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Tue, 19 Nov 2024 14:33:21 GMT Simple mental health
Denial ? Consistent denial is psychologically harmful.
Blame - Blaming provides a way of devaluing others (bring you down to their level ? not the same as explaining).
Blame ? You give power to the one you blame ? You are allowing them to define and dictate your happiness and wellbeing.
Projection - feelings directed towards the self are displaced towards other people (Because I?m feeling this way you must be doing it to me).
Masking ? Authoritative Parents (changes ?faces? depending on who they are with, ?telephone voice? is an everyday example).
Conflict Avoidance - works short-term, long term it reinforces our belief that we should be afraid and maintains our anxiety and fear.
Hypocrisy - What you say and what you do don't match up (high emotional content - I want this to happen then complains when it happens).
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Fri, 15 Nov 2024 17:56:12 GMT The modern woman
You are the epitome of a modern woman. You have no emotional control, no self control, you eat too much and don't move around enough, you are disrespectful in many ways on many levels. You consume and consume and consume, spending hours at a time finger fucking your phone or staring at the telly or youtube, you don't even write your own texts any more instead choosing to use ai. You take and take and take and give very litte in return. Your choice in clothing makes you look worse, you have no style, no grace and not much going for you aside from your pussy. You lack femininity of any kind, no compassion, no caring, no nurturing, no supportiveness. You fail to take responsibility for your actions choosing instead to blame everyone else for situations you created or made worse. You can't be lead in anyway either by kindness, threat or suggestion - you HAVE to argue and fight over every triviality. You express the same emotional traits as teenagers with hissy fits, temper tantrums and veiled scarcastic digs. You have a negative outlook on life and concrete solid, rigid way of thinking. Always why you can't do this or that never how do I acheive that. You turn every choice we make as a couple into a pathetic power struggle for the sake of it. You consistantly play the ever worsening victim with no real evidence of actually being victimised. The chasmic cognitive dissonace you display on the average day is beyond comprehension. You are incapable of examining the world and yourself in an honest and impartial way. You cast traditional male "wants" as misogynistic and in the 20 years I've know you have not improved a single one of the flaws in your character for one simple reason - you can't admit that you have any flaws. You see your father and husband as bullies but only because you are so weak that you are incapable of actually forming an intelectual response to any conflict that arrises instead choosing to express your "feelings" by throwing temper tantrums. You communication level is that of a small child - conversation not going your way? - throw a temper tantram and run off. You just spent 20 minutes arguing about the wrong "Amy". You and your ilk consitantly cast men as bad guys but sadly you don't even know you are doing it. You turn every attempt at communicating issue I have into a full blown argument using ad hominem attacks instead of sorting out the issue or telling me you're not interested. In said arguments you give the impression that you hate the ground I walk on yet still that very night you'll want a cuddle. I have some very important information for you in an fruitless attempt to undo some of the programming you've received from the media and other women:
Men don't like masculine women.
Men don't want drama.
Men don't want to fight and argue in a constant unneccasary power strugle over what color to paint the bathroom.
Men don't care how much money you make.
Men don't want to live with a woman that constantly plays the victim.
Men don't like mean, cold hearted women.
Men don't like immature and mentally unstable women (no matter what the excuse).
Men don't like bossy women.
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Tue, 12 Nov 2024 12:44:02 GMT High Value Man / Woman
What does this mean? What does high value actually mean?
For a woman she means a man with a high net worth - IE he is a wealthy person. His health and boundaries, values and plans, communication skills.. They mean nothing!
For men, it's a different story. He means a moralistic woman with values. One who is feminine, one who isn't a slave to their emotions, one who can deal with a conflict with understanding and kindness.
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Fri, 01 Nov 2024 11:48:11 GMT When you realise your wife....
...that has been acusing you of being a narcissistic gaslighter (because thats what everone that doesn't agree with a woman is these days) for the last 3 years is actually herself... A narcissistic gaslighter!
Are you telling me thaty all there is really left to talk about with my spouse if I don't want to fight with them is the weather and the change of season or that a local road might be closed this weekend??
That is THE biggest sign your spouse is a narcissist. When you stop to think about it it's ALWAYS been like this. Right from the start. You could never talk to them about anything deeper than a puddle without it being your fault or turning into a power struggle or a fight while they say it's you that started the fight! They feed off of the emotional content so don't engage - let them have their paddy and walk out!
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Wed, 30 Oct 2024 09:04:59 GMT Mental Health
I hear alot of people complaining about depression and mental health these days but when questioned they don't seem to under stand simple cause and effect. Here's a good example.
Your life is now, this very moment, today! You are inheriting this life from you yesterday and you are the custodian of this life for you tomorrow! If you, as the custodian of this life now, act like an arshole. The guy tomorrow will have a hard time!
It's that simple - understand that and all of your problems will go away. Tthat and one other thing:
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Tue, 15 Oct 2024 13:59:20 GMT We're making _INSERT THING THAT IS ABOUT TO GET A WHOLE LOT HARDER HERE_ easier for you!
We're making it easier for you to login / get to your online stuff / check what's chewing your battery on your device / access your bank online or via your phone!
When was the last time you read something like this on a a website / app / peice of software only to find that it's not really easier, it's only easier to do those things if you use that website / software / app THE WAY THEY TELL YOU TO..? And have you ever asked why they are forcing you to do this? Information, they want access to your information. Every company you deal with wants to know what device you are using, where you are (try googleing geo ip), what other information they can glean from your device or email client. That app they gave you with your new car? It's a gateway for them. When you are driving around your car records (via the built in GPS) everywhere you go then when you connect the car to the manufacturers app it uses your data connection to upload all it's recorded to their servers.
It's NEVER to make your life easier!
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Tue, 01 Oct 2024 19:23:47 GMT What to say to emotional people???
I'm not responsible for your feelings.
I'm not going to do what you want.
I don't agree with you.
I need time to myself.
I've already made my decision.
That's not acceptable behavior.
I trust my own judgment.
I don't need your approval.
I deserve respect.
This conversation is over.
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Yeah, especially the ones with mental health issues. They hate stuff like this... Narcs, the BPD's and such.
Sun, 29 Sep 2024 23:07:42 GMT Dear Government
Dear Government,
Would you please fix the roads that I'm alredy taxed for you to fix so I'm not damaging my car that I pay both annual tax and fuel tax on just so that I can drive it. Remeber also that I was taxed on the money I earned to buy that car that is now parked on the drive of my house that you also tax along with my electricity, gas and half of the stuff I shop for on a weekly basis.
All the while my neigbours sit on their arses all day smoking weed and drinking beer on the money you tax me on!
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Tue, 24 Sep 2024 15:00:26 GMT Some good life rules to abide by
Honest conflict has more long term value than dishonest harmony!
Nuanced Truth (Speak the truth but try to be nice -- i's not always easy!
I am fallible!
Confront the behaviour NOT the person!
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Fri, 20 Sep 2024 20:24:17 GMT Stress Stacking
Women stack stress on men in multiple ways.
If he does not calmly manage all of it while she attacks verbally, emotionally, socially, financially, and even physically, his lack of control under her constant assaults will be punished by her ally. The state, as well as whatever social circle she has. It seems like society expects men to be a punching bag for a woman's emotions. If a woman is pissed at him, the kids, or life circumstances, then it is acceptable for her to put the man in 'the doghouse', kick him out of the house, disrupt his sleep, scream in his face, or even assault him.All the while the man MUST stay calm and stoic. Not descending to her level of emotional content becasue when he does that, violence WILL ensue and no matter what he has been through to get to this point once his loses control of his 2 emotions and lashes out E V E R Y T H I N G is HIS fault.
I speak from experience!
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Wed, 18 Sep 2024 18:24:24 GMT Well well, such a long time!
I can't belive it's been 5 years since my last blog post. So much has happened, so much has changed.
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Wed, 20 Mar 2019 11:57:36 GMT Knife Crime and the ineptitude of the UK police and politicians
Knife crime has been in the news for many years now, we have had more legislation year upon year yes knife crime still rises.. Why are the politicians and police so ineffectual?? Take a look at this picture:
Can you see why the policies of banning items based on how they look or how they might be used or how they might encourage this or that was perhaps, not the smartest thing?? Look at the picture - what do you see??
1 Sword
1 Machete
2 Combat knives
1 Hunting knife
23 Kitchen knives
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Thu, 28 Feb 2019 15:39:23 GMT MyISAM vs InnoDB Swapping from one to the other
While pretty much defunct at this point as innodb_file_per_table is the default setting now, from a flexibility point of view and if the deployment circumstances require you to use InnoDB innodb_file_per_table is the best way to go. This will allow you to move table files around if required. Using a global table space on a per server basis means that all the tables in all the database have metadata stored in /var/lib/mysql/innodb. That file can grow quite large and never EVER shrinks back down again (Linux software is becomming more and more windowsey by the day). Using innodb_file_per_table at least swaps a massive (potentially hundreds of gigabytes) file for smaller individuals and has the already mentioned added advantage that you can move tables and databases around at will! With system table space you have to move or restore the ENTIRE /var/lib/mysql directory or risk the frustrating "table already doesn't exsist but isn't there but is there" issue..
Swapping from system table space to innodb_file_per_table:
First we enable innodb_file_per_table.
emacs /etc/my.cnf
innodb_file_per_table = 1
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Tue, 08 Jan 2019 09:34:43 GMT The group policy client failed the sign-in login
Yet another mystical error message generated by windows that gives you absolutely nothing to work with aside from a google search
I google searched:
The group policy client failed the sign-in login
and tried a couple of the fixes offered there to no avail so I just did a system restore.. Problem solved!
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Wed, 19 Dec 2018 09:27:29 GMT Exim or Sendmail 55 Relay Not Permitted
Relay not Permitted is normally an authentication error.. Check your mail client to make sure you have the option "Sending requires authentication" enabled!
Do bare in mind. Relay not permitted is NOT the same as relaying denied!
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Wed, 28 Nov 2018 11:31:02 GMT Some Useful Real World rsync Commands
Rsync is something every linux user should learn and at least try to commit to memory.. It's come in handy to me over and over and today I find myself in yet another situation where I need rsync to save me a shit load of manual messing around.
Basic Syntax
rsync [options] source destination
Common Options:
- v = Be verbose (You knew that didn't you)
-r = Be recursive
-a = archive mode, preserves everything it can and allows recursive
-z = compress data
-h = Human readable output
I tend to use rsync in the same way every time so I don't have to reference the man page each time I use it. To that end:
Sync Remote Directory to Local:
rsync -avhz root@there:/path/to/files /local/path/to/files
Keep in mind the slashes matter. Adding slashes to the end changes the way rsync saves the files locally if you DON'T add slashes rsync will save the directory so in the above example rsync will create a directory in /local/path/to/files - if you add a slash to the end it will save to /local/path/to/files.. Works a bit like the * wildcard on file copies!
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Every time I forget how to use this program and have to look in the manual!
Wed, 11 Jul 2018 10:31:31 +0100 Starting a program from a batch file then automatically close the cmd cli window
This is handy.. It's based on the DOS start command but you might find when you just use:
start "program pathprogram name"
you will end up with a cmd window staring at you not doing anything and your program hasn't started.
start "" "program pathprogram name"
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Mon, 25 Jun 2018 11:03:40 +0100 Gmail marking entire domain as spam?? Gmail marking lots of non spam messages as spam?
Is Gmail marking entire domain as spam?? Gmail marking lots of non spam messages as spam? Even after you've told it that particular address is NOT SPAM..
Ask yourself why they would do that!
If your emails are being marked as spam by gmail and your client checks their spam box AND marks your email address as NOT SPAM then gmail continues to spam that email address there is really only one reason isn't there?? There is also only one way to fix it!
You have to use gmail to send to gmail account because gmail is marking you as spam for no reason other than google wants internat supremacy!!!!
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Wed, 17 Jan 2018 15:36:13 GMT Dover Castle Visti
Me and Mrs Geake visited Dover castle just last week end.. A cold and windy day it was but fun was had by all! We walked almost 6 miles in one day up and down hill! I would recommend a visit to anyone that doesn't mind a bit of walking and at 20 quid a head, it's none to expensive either (if you take a packed lunch or bag of fruit)
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Fri, 23 Jun 2017 14:08:03 +0100 Batch file or Perl script not working in task scheduler
I've come across this problem a couple of times over the last few weeks. It boiled down to, on both occasions, the use of mapped network drives IE; copying files across a network!
Microsoft is not a CLI friendly OS and to that end a drive mapped to z: for example is not an actual real drive unless the user is logged on and the drive is mapped.
When Task Scheduler runs a task it seems it only creates a minimal shell for that task to run in and that does not include enabling mapped drives.
You batch file will run find when you manually run it but just won't work when you schedule it and this is the reason why.
To stop this issue don't use the mapped drive letter use the full UNC path AND make sure the user running the task has the correct permissions to do what ever it is your batch file us trying to do!
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Wed, 01 Mar 2017 11:14:12 GMT Distribution Independent Auto Login To X:
The first thing people say when you talk about auto logging in to a computer of any kind is "Don't do that, it's dangerous!". What the hell do they know? If I want auto login on a linux box independent of distro that's what I'll do! Anyway, on with it.
Back in the day this was a pretty easy thing to do, some distros came with auto login out of the box, these days, as with many things, it's not quite so easy! Too many distros and developers think they know better than you so they remove functionality from programs willy nilly then when people complain about it, they say "It's a feature." (look at gnome 3, steaming pile of piss that is). These people think thare are leaders in their field but they are just another generation standing on the shoulders of the one before beleiveing that they are making a difference. They are, but it's most a change for the worst!
So, how to enable auto login, first, open /etc/inittab (ahh, do you use a distro with systemd?? You can stop reading here and find another way) and modify one of the lines that looks like this:
c3:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty3 linux
To look like this:
c3:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty --autologin USERNAME tty3
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Tue, 28 Feb 2017 14:35:09 GMT Changing Mate Desktop Environment Lock Screen Background - Wallpaper
Even after all this time Mate Desktop still fails to allow you to change the default lock screen background. Well, after some poking around I discovered (by discovered I mean I actually did some tracing through the system. I didn't google it then stand on the shoulders of others all the while telling the world how great I am for 'finding' this information!). So to the point.
Edit: /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml
To set a solid background colour (anythings better than that awful sea green and orange default):
Toward the bottom of that file you'll find 2 values:
change the <default>HEX COLOUR CODE</default> values to your desired choice. Re-log either by quitting X to command line then starting it again or rebooting (we have to stop and start the settings-daemon).
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Fri, 18 Nov 2016 10:44:14 GMT Snoopers Charter November 2016
You tell me visitors. Why have you not seen this story on the BBC or ANYWHERE in the British Mainstream Media!?!?!
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This topic has gone on for many years and I think most Britain's don't really care as it won't affect them, their Internet usage is legitimate. Only those with things to hide would have a problem with it. We don't complain about the many Street cameras in operation on our streets, which is rivalling the most if not already the most surveillanced country in the world.
Robert Geake
"I have nothing to hide so nothing to fear." ??? I'm sure there was a few million Jews that though that in the second world war..
Fri, 07 Oct 2016 09:25:28 +0100 New Bladerunner Remake (Bladerunner 2049)
You can't improve on perfection so why bother? Blade runner is a classic that could never be duplicated or replicated to the quality of the original!
I'm sure the new Bladerunner remake Bladerunner 2049 will be an amazing filum!!!! NOT!
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Wed, 28 Sep 2016 18:55:51 +0100 Spoofing user agent to side step browser version checks
If you are anything like me you get a bit sick of people telling you what to do.. Recent my bank started to tell me what browser to use for using their site. I don't use a main stream browser, they are too nosey and are badly written resource hoggers..
To that end if you frequent a site that tries to tell you what browser you should use and you use a mozilla based browser (most are) you can do the following.
- Type about:config into the address bar and press enter.
- Tick the I'll be careful box and continue.
- In the search box type general.useragent.override to filter out the results.
- Add a new string and call it general.useragent.override.DOMAINNAME.DOMAINEXTENTION
- For the value add Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0 - change the 47.0 to the latest FF version.
- Save the changes and restart.. ....
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Thu, 08 Sep 2016 08:49:46 +0100 Magento won't let anyone log in
As with all things magento, nothing is ever quite what it seems.. If you are having a problem with customers logging in check you disk space!
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Tue, 23 Aug 2016 19:18:38 +0100 District Judge Paul Goldspring
District Judge Paul Goldspring said: “It is these sorts of comments that are fuelling the intolerance that we are seeing. “Whatever your personal views are you should keep them to yourself. It’s abhorrent.”
Go ahead Mr Goldspring, show the world just how out of touch you are with everyone.. It's not "these sorts of comments" fuelling the intolerance, it's being forced by the whip to BE tolerant that's fuelling the intolerance!!
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Sun, 14 Aug 2016 21:19:27 +0100 Why do women hat men so much (MGTOW)
I implore you to visit this daily mail story about men leaving women....
Then read the comments and see the women reinforce EXACTLY what the interviewed men are saying. They are so full of bile and hatred as if it's the mans fault they are getting sour and ugly in their old age!
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Wed, 06 Jul 2016 20:26:56 +0100 Tony Blair will take responsiblity for Iraq
If you or I made decisions that lead to the deaths of that many people (the soldiers that dies in Iraq) the government would make sure that we faced manslaughter charges at the very least. Mr Blair, will you be facing manslaughter charges because that's how you take responsibility!
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Wed, 01 Jun 2016 09:31:44 +0100 Microsoft, Facebook, YouTube and Others Agree To Remove Hate Speech Across the EU
This is great but there is a problem I can see inherent with this kind of campaign....
Who gets to decide what is hate speech and what isn't???
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Wed, 13 Jan 2016 16:46:01 GMT Beauty Awards for fat people?
My word, is it me or does that girl actually look obese?? I can't believe anyone would create a beauty competition that rewards obesity...Wait, it's 2016, yes, I was wrong, I CAN believe people would create a beauty competition that rewards obesity
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We find beauty in health. She isn't healthy so by nature's standards she can't be beautiful. Our world is messed up.
Fri, 08 Jan 2016 00:04:30 GMT Agent Smith can't shoot for shit
Nor can any of the other agents.. I get it I really do, the agents are stuck adhering to the rules set for them, the humans can break those rules and do things agents can't. In one scene Agent Smith punches Neo to near death and his hands move so fast you can barely see them! Agents can jump 30 to 50 meters horizontally but cant hit someone with a .44 Desert Eagle across a 5 meter room???
C'mon guys, sort it out!
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Tue, 29 Dec 2015 07:51:20 GMT Wearing a mini skirt is no excuse for rape!
Google: mini skirts misunderstandings
It's archaic to blame a woman or suggest that she dresses more conservatively to reduce the risk of rape isn't it? It sounds like a throwback from the 50's or 60's when women "get what they deserve for dressing like that".
This is is something most western men have been taught for decades now (I have other views on this subject), this does not apply to immigrants (refugees come from Syria NOT Africa) coming from North Africa or Northern Middle East countries. In this case it's OK to tell girls NOT to wear short skirts because it'll help avoid rape!
Boxser Tyson Fury is slated for saying 'in the kitchen and on her back' but we are letting hundreds of thousands of men into our country that belive 'if I want a woman, I just take her and the police will do nothing'!
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Sun, 27 Dec 2015 23:31:33 GMT Kent Online Website Shadowbans people
Yep, you heard it here first, Kent Online, the Kent Messenger Group's online front for the KM newspapers Shadowbans users they don't like. Not content with just plain banning users the actually trick their banned users into thinking they are still posting. They make you login to post but you can only see what you post if you are logged in!
21st Century Journalism at it's best :)
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Wed, 09 Dec 2015 11:51:07 GMT Sculpture of knife crime!
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35049047
The ignorance of British authorities beggars belief. I take my hat off to the idea of a sculpture made out of knives but I don't agree with yet another situation where policing is being driven by feelings NOT FACTS!
Most knife crime is commuted by non whites, statistics show this across the country and also the world. Why is it wrong of the police to stop and search more non whites if they are committing a disproportionate amount of knife crime?
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Tue, 08 Dec 2015 10:10:33 GMT Microsoft windows 10 computer rape!
Computer rape
How big companies like microsoft beleive they have the right to treat your computer like it is theirs just because you have their operating system on it is already a well know fact. I recently found some blatant evidence of this with regards to windows 10... We all know they want to get rid of what is, in my opinion, one of the best looking most efficient OS's they've ever come up with and replace with a bland looking "one-size-fits-all" OS.
My wife's laptop is about to be raped by microsoft!
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Sat, 05 Dec 2015 13:47:06 GMT Fallout 4 Sucks .. Complaints .. Thoughts
OK So, some comparisons of time spent playing games:
Skyrim - 1800+ hours
Oblivion - 800+ hours
Fallout NV - 600+ hours
Fallout 3 - 1000+ hours
Dishonored - 117+ hours
Metro 2033 100+ hours
Fallout 4 60+ hours
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Wed, 25 Nov 2015 16:13:09 GMT Fallout 4 First Impressions
Just my first impressions are simple.. Bethsoft seem to have taken all the parts of the other games they've made over the last several years (not even the good bits I might add). Given them a re-skin, added a new, badly though out story and sold it for £40!!!
We've all been skanked!
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Sun, 22 Nov 2015 20:32:51 GMT Why is using violence to combat violence unacceptable in Europe
This is a simple question. For century's us Europeans have been told that big brother will take care of us, big brother will protect us from the bad people. Big brother will find those that hurt us then punish them in a "civil" way.
Events in France over the last 10 months should make that blatantly clear in any thinking person's mind. It IS OK to use violence to stop violence. It IS OK for you to defend yourself with violence... It's not legal but nature would not want you to roll over and die at the hands of a violent creature without defending yourself. It is your natural right to stay alive BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!
It is your patriotic duty to teach bad people that we will not accept that and turn our country, our world, into a safe place.
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Thu, 19 Nov 2015 10:33:43 GMT Abstraction (in coding or programming) for all the wrong reasons
Abstraction [ab-strak-shuh n]
the act of taking away or separating; withdrawal:
Something that has been used in computing for a long time is a layer or two of abstracton. In real terms it is used to reduce the potential complexity of a given action or process. Microsofts DirectX is an example of an abstraction layer. Game developers don't have to worry too much about making sure their game will run on this hardware or that hardware (although they do make exceptions to this with certain video cards, targeting a new game to a particular card to try to get you to spend). All they have to do is make sure they game can talk to DirectX!
As with all things, all things in moderation. As a coder over time one get's used to abstraction, abstraction from the database via modules or methods that make performing CRUD operations easier but, as with everything in life, these abstractions come with their own problems. An abstraction layer that makes simple queries (insert, update, select, delete) simpler will normally make complex (join, concat and such) queries harder.
Add to this the fact that abstraction can lead to a situation where we don't actually know what's going on further down the ladder is it a good thing? Again, all things in moderation, yes, if the abstraction is done for valid reasons (efficiency, simplicity) all is well. If it's done for less noble reasons (speed, because it's easier this way, laziness) then I guess you know the answer to that. Using the right tool for the right job is always the right way to do things.
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Mon, 02 Nov 2015 19:26:24 GMT Sacha Wheeler and the parents ignorance
Sacha Wheeler was run over and killed by a train:
Sacha’s devastated parents have called on Network Rail to close the "high risk" crossing.
The high risk crossing is one I have used every day for over 10 years in my life... I never got run over!
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Sat, 31 Oct 2015 09:39:02 GMT Children and Paying for the choices we make...
Traditionally the choice to have children is a joint decision between man and woman. For what ever reasons the man and the woman decide the world needs a mini them. They live happily ever after brining up a balanced well rounded and healthy child together.
In some case the relationship between the man and the woman breaks down over time and they separate but the choice to have children was still a joint one. In these cases care usually defaults to the mother (instead of the parent whom is best suited to bringing up child which would make more sense) and the father ends up paying maintenance to the mother to help bring up the child. The decision to split is not normally a joint one, normally one party or the other has instigated the separation for one reason or another but the choice to have children was a joint one!
More increasingly in modern times the choice to have children is no longer a joint decision. It is a choice made by the woman and, as some women can be, they will do ANYTHING to get what they want. In these situations the woman has all the advantages because there is no legal precedent for a man to force a woman to abort a child that he does/did not want. They both consented to sex but one did not consent to having a child, this is an important fact to bare in mind so I'll repeat it in bold. They both consented to sex but one did not consent to having a child!. When this sentence is spun the other way around and a woman does not consent to sex a man can find himself thrown in jail for an extend period of time (7 years in the UK).
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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 09:45:51 GMT The joys of open source software
I've always said it and I'll continue to say it. Internet based Open Source software is an accident waiting to happen!
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Thu, 22 Oct 2015 11:35:22 +0100 Disabling Auto Updates in Ubuntu
I'm OK mate, I know how to, and periodically remember to run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to update my system. I don't need you to come along and _remind_ me that I need to do it!
If this speaks to you then just make the following change in
set APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists to 0!!!
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Mon, 19 Oct 2015 10:47:10 +0100 To framework or not
Using a frame work for development has it's advantages. A lot of the functionality is already there, database access, file uploads, authentication and such. All available straight out of the box. This is a good thing. The fact that you don't have to write all those routines and methods from scratch saves time and effort and allows you to focus on the task at hand (listing properties, saving profiles, making sure what you are writing is secure and the like) with a greater degree of granularity.
The bad things come from a lack of understanding. Too many people use a framework to save time but never bother to work out what goes on under the bonnet. Others have a basic understanding of a given language and use a frame work to "cheat" their way up the coding ladder. With minimal experience and a little research time you can be performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations within just a few hours with no understanding of "what goes on underneath". Assumptions are usually made that one's chosen framework is safe and sadly, that isn't necessarily so. A prime example lives here: https://laracasts.com/series/whats-new-in-laravel-5-1/episodes/16 (might have a pay barrier) at no point in this video tutorial does Jeffrey Way point out that even though he has set up roles and permission ANY user can just type the correct URL into a browser and the route method will run without question, probably just oversite on his part but this is the kind of pitfall a new coder won't notice!
I've been using laravel 5 for about 2 months now and have spent many hours pouring through the code contained within and, it's fine. It seems safe, efficient and adheres to good practices. But do you really need 40 Megabytes of code and some 4000+ files for a simple CRUD site? My hand built perl "framework" can do these operations including authentication, roles, db access, uploads and more with just 5 files (can be reduced to 1) weighing in at a tad over 150 Kilobytes!!!
To that end I disagree with the current framework obsession. I don't like them and I certainly don't think educational establishments should be using them!!! At this point in my career as a developer I can write the following languages pretty fluently, Perl, PHP, Javascript, HTML4/5, CSS2/3, C and C++, jQuery, LUA and Lisp to name but a few. Had I been using a framework for the last 15 years I'd probably not be able to do that! A developer should be exactly that, a developer. Not a Perl developer or a PHP developer or a .NET C# developer.. Just developer that is dynamic and knows their stuff well enough to adapt to any given language the project or role requires.
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Fri, 02 Oct 2015 07:48:37 +0100 Adding users to MySQL MySQL import and export
Create and grant a user access to a mysql database:CREATE USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'
GRANT privs ON db.* TO 'user'@'localhost'
Export and import a mysql database:The option --databases will add USE and IF EXISTS CREATE statements to your resulting.sql file.
the $(date -I) will expand to and ISO style date.
mysqldump --databases DATABASE -u USER -p > DATABASE-$(date -I).sql
mysql -u USER -p < DATABASE-$(date -I).sql
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Thu, 01 Oct 2015 13:41:20 +0100 Removing systemd From Debian Jessie or Sid
1) Add sysvinit packages
# apt-get install sysvinit-core sysvinit sysvinit-utils
2) Get shot of systemd:
# apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove systemd
3) Stop the systemd packages from being installed by accident:
# echo -e 'Package: systemd Pin: origin "" Pin-Priority: -1' > /etc/apt/preferences.d/systemd
4) Stop other systemd packages from being installed by accident:
# echo -e 'Package: *systemd* Pin: origin "" Pin-Priority: -1' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/systemd
5) Stop other systemd architecture packages from being installed by accident:
# echo -e 'Package: systemd:amd64 Pin: origin "" Pin-Priority: -1' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/systemd
6) Stop other systemd architecture packages from being installed by accident:
# echo -e 'Package: systemd:i386 Pin: origin "" Pin-Priority: -1' >> /etc/apt/preferences.d/systemd
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Fri, 21 Aug 2015 20:14:01 +0100 Things are backwards in modern times
Sensitivity is more important than truth.
Feelings are more important than facts.
Children are more important than adults.
Safety is more important than fun.
Back in the day when vast swages of humanity followed the Christian way of life the the last words in those sentences were always more important than the first! But then, people used to get burned at the cross too!
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Mon, 03 Aug 2015 14:08:13 +0100 Cecil and Trophy Hunting in Zimbabwe
Average life expectancy for humans in Zimbabwe is 34 years for females and 37 years for males yet us westerners care more about a Lion getting killed?!?!
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Sat, 01 Aug 2015 18:14:45 +0100 Who is allowed to enter England
I'm confused (that's not hard to do when it comes to politics). For almost a decade Osama bin laden was the most wanted man on the planet, wanted for arrange acts of terrorism. In the end he caught and killed (allegedly).
Julien Blanc - the pick up artist - was barred from entering the UK because [ed quote] "allowing this man into the UK legitimises sexual assault and predation, and sends a message that women are playthings or objects without agency."
Today I read that 3 members of Osama bin laden's family have been killed in a plane crash in Blackbushe, Surrey.
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Fri, 31 Jul 2015 10:53:22 +0100 Good and Bad behaviour
When you eliminate the risk from bad behaviour people tend to behave badly!
The teenage keyboard warrior springs to mind, he sits on his laptop that mummy and daddy bought him and responds to anyone that dares to question him with a barrage of abuse and harsh language (this is not just limited to teenagers, adults do it too).
The risk is removed because the people he is abusing don't know who or where he is. Put that same person in a bar or public setting where he can be physically held accountable for his abuse and you get a different person!
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Thu, 30 Jul 2015 13:48:28 +0100 To Be Human
To live with out sorrow is to live without happiness. To live with out happiness is to live without sorrow. Happiness and sorrow are mutual, you can't have one without the other anymore than you can have dark without light.
Judging people by their individual merits and ability is the only way to be a fair person. If you believe the man or the woman is better because they are a man or a woman you will never find equality.
Seek to be successful, not to avoid failure. By trying to avoid failure you are denying yourself a fundamental part of the learning process. Indeed, if you try to avoid failure above all else and deny it when it happens you will never learn!
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Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:39:40 +0100 Retrospective withdrawl of consent
Yes, you heard it people, the extreminists are suggesting that sexual consent can be withdrawn after the act.
Oh my word, what is the world coming to? Take out a loan then the lender changes their mind and you become a thief.. Have sex with one of these extreminists and they change their mind, you become a rapist! I have pity on you guys out there these days trying to score your self a goal!
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Sun, 26 Jul 2015 22:37:14 +0100 Some useful conversions.
I've been doing some math today and I though I dump some of the conversions I used for future reference both mine and yours!
FPS = MPH / 0.681818
MPH = FPS * 0.681818
Speed of Sound = 1,126 FPS
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Thu, 23 Jul 2015 16:21:34 +0100 People and Friendship
We've all been there, working for or with someone for a few months or years. You get to know them, regard them as a friend and they hold you in the same light! We talk about how much we've learned form each other, we talk about things we've found difficult both project based and in life, we talk about hobbies, tech and life in general. We talk about the exciting aspect of life and retort anecdotal situations we have been part of or shared. We share experiences AND experience (the most important part of friendship for me). Then the job or project finishes, maybe on good terms, maybe on bad. This is the point when you realise it was not friendship you were experiencing, it was convenience!
This person was you friend because you were there, nothing more nothing less!
After being an adult on this planet for over 20 years I am noticing this situation is becoming more prevalent as time goes by. Is it me, am I the kind of person people don't want to be friends with. Or is it them, are they a new breed of narcissistic, self centred humans that only see people for what they can take from them. Either way I don't like it!
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Mon, 20 Jul 2015 12:49:50 +0100 UK Proposed increase in sentence for copyright infringment...
I am disgusted.. The government are proposing and increase in the maximum sentence for copyright infringement.
"Ministers have launched a consultation on increasing it to 10 years - bringing it into line with copyright infringement of physical goods.
The government said tougher sentences would act as a 'significant deterrent'."
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Thu, 16 Jul 2015 23:40:15 +0100 Install the same packages on 2 Debian systems
Ever wanted to get 2 Debian system with the same packages installed on both. I came across this situation just this very day. Trying to install perl-blead on the
and the tests kept failing on POSIX math. It worked fine on the
so I had to assume there was a package missing that caused the problem because
prove -t ../ext/POSIX/t/math.t told me so.
I digress! To match the packages do:
dpkg --get-selections > /tmp/packagelist.txt
scp /tmp/packagelist user@host:filelocation
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Wed, 15 Jul 2015 14:08:29 +0100 Shaw Taylor (Cheers Laura, now I keep hearing him)
Anyone else remember Shaw Taylor?
Keep em peeled!
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Mon, 06 Jul 2015 11:27:31 +0100 Opening remote files with emacs
I use emacs on a pretty much daily basis to edit code, HTML, CSS, Javascript and of course, plain old fashioned text/plain! Over the years I've learned some quick go-to shortcuts for opening and editing files. One of the most useful is the Ange/Tramp mode command line arguments.
To open an SSH connection to a remove server:
emacs /ssh:username@host:
To open an FTP connection to a remove server:
emacs /ftp:username@host:
So all in all you just do:
emacs /protocol:username@host:
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Tue, 30 Jun 2015 11:35:22 +0100 Offensive, Taking offense, I don't care!
Offence is taken, NOT given. When I call you a useless tool, YOU are the one that gets upset about it, YOU are the one that lets what I say effect you!
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Sun, 28 Jun 2015 14:28:55 +0100 The sickliest cake you've ever seen!
May daughter, bless her heart, decided to bake a cake..
As you can see it was really quite difficult to eat.. It took me the best part of an hour to eat just one quarter of it!
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Sun, 28 Jun 2015 14:09:00 +0100 A nice tight group
I've been into archery for about 4 years now. I don't get to shoot as much as I'd like but I do practice at short range (about 10 meters, better than no practice) at home.
I'll add an archery page and document the path I've taken over the last few years, probably should have done that from the start eh!
Anyway here's a recent group I shot, yep, I use old pop cans for target practice, mostly because my tin can alley broke!
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Wed, 04 Mar 2015 08:52:57 GMT London Male Commuters - Sina Weibo
How strange, if there was blog posting pictures of "elegant women" on the tube in London I guess we would see it being labeled as sexist!
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Ahh man, the feminists would go ballistic if you guys did that to women.. They are like a bunch of baby's always crying an whining about something!
I'm sick of all this feminist bullshit. Time we started to see a few 'menists' stand up! And yes... I'm female!
Tue, 24 Feb 2015 20:50:20 GMT British Judges Are So Out of Touch
Judge Neil Ford QC: "Your dislike of the police generally, in my judgment, is peculiar for someone of your intelligence and sophistication" he said.
How peculiar, a judge that woefully under estimates that intelligent people are quite capable of forming their own opinions about law and order and carry out their own form of justice!
Reality check Judge Neil Ford QC, intelligent people can see the police are a post mortem farce than can only clean up the mess and do very little to stop the mess being made in the first place! The kind of people you are confusing us intelligent people for is those who appeared on Channel Four's Benefits Street!
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Yes, judges can be really quite out of touch with reality!
Sat, 21 Feb 2015 11:30:50 GMT UK Citizens Going to Syria
Seems to be a favourite pass time of bored wanna be teens these days. I can see the attraction of it. Modern life can be so very VERY tedious with all that study and playtime..
I do wonder though, why the British government has decided it's their job to track down and stop these people _before_ they get to Syria??? The latest BBC story on this subject is of 3 teen girls.. As far as I'm concerned if they are old enough to decide they want to go to Syria... Fucking let them!!! They can deal with being raped, stoned, raped, beaten, raped then murdered for trying to escape.. The government is NOT responsible for your safety YOU ARE!!!
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Sat, 31 Jan 2015 15:00:36 GMT Immigration Street
Am I the only one that thinks if this show is not shown because of this protest that the protest is in fact an attack on free speech?
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Thu, 29 Jan 2015 08:21:04 GMT Rotherham 1400 Zoe Williams
Gurl, sort your priorities out.
"The abuse of all those girls has become a catalyst, a Franz Ferdinand event, the trigger for something brutal and destructive."
I assume you are well educated, you seem articulate yet you can't see how wrong that comment is on so many levels?
Rather than they systematic rape and sexual abuse of 1400 young girls by mostly Asian men being an abhorrent crime that NEEDS to be punished. You seem to see it as a catalyst for something much MUCH worse! RACISM!
If you intend to belittle the actions of the perpetrators I suggest you go visit a Pakistani slum late at night and walk around for a bit. Then you'll see what REAL racism is, not this imaginary modernistic narrative of racism!
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Tue, 27 Jan 2015 09:07:37 GMT I Holla Back seems to be having some issues!
http://www.ihollaback.org/ Seems to be having some problems!?
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Tue, 27 Jan 2015 06:47:55 GMT Repeating Myself
A pet hate, you know! Repeating myself because the person I'm talking to does not seem to think what I'm saying is worthy of listening to the first time around.
18 months ago she worked in a shop that required 5 and 6am get up times. At the time I pointed out that if I wanted to be woken up at 6am I'd set an alarm gadget up to bang all the doors in the house, switch all the lights on and off and turn the bedroom stereo up and down.
18 Months later and apparently she "didn't know" she can be quite noisy and inconsiderate at 6am... At least this time it only took 3 tries and a few minutes of repeating myself to get an apology instead of the 3 weeks of repeatedly repeating myself it did before :)
Repeating myself because the person I'm talking to does not seem to think what I'm saying is worthy of listening to the first time around.
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Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:05:49 GMT Alpha Wars Freaking Out
Ever played Alpha Wars online and got stuck with the missions not advancing in tutorial mode? Log out then log back in again!
Also when the rather serious looking military guys says "Build 3 concrete factories" he actually means up grade the concrete factory 3 times!
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Fri, 16 Jan 2015 13:04:23 GMT Officials suddenly strike out with anti-terro raids
Isn't it strange how in the aftermath of successful extremist attacks government suddenly manage to strike out and prevent "Major Terrorist Attacks"??
If my memory serves my correctly this is a repeated theme over the last few years. Successful attack followed by successful authority raids!
Why does it take the death of civilians before the government will step up and do something to stop these extremists? I'm sure the governments had intel on the hebdo attackers, I'm sure they had similar evidence on the recent authority raids so why do something about it now and not then?
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Wed, 14 Jan 2015 09:50:44 GMT Concealed Carry Firearms
When are our leaders going to realise that a well armed society is THE only way for citizens to be safe and express their natural right to live.
The best way to maintain the rule of law is with armed citizens...We are not all criminals. we are not going to shoot people because they disagree with us!
Could an armed, brave citizen have stopped the Hedbo attack? Maybe, at the very least they could have backed up the police to the best of their abilities.
Could an armed, brave citizen have stopped the attack on Fusilier Rigby? Definitely!
I'm not talking about a free for all, I'm talking about going back to the 90's before politicians and pressure groups used the deaths of children to push their agenda!
Owning and carrying a firearm on a daily basis does not make you any more likely to use that gun for nefarious purposes!
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What about the loonies that will shoot people because they looked at them funny?
.308 Man
Most gun owners are just normal people and will avoid confrontation at all costs. I don't like the idea that people would label us all as lunatics that will shoot someone because they looked at us funny!
Mon, 12 Jan 2015 05:40:53 GMT Defense Against Terrorism
"Prime Minister David Cameron will meet security chiefs later to discuss how to defend Britain against terrorist attacks like those in France last week."
You could try retracting the pistol ban and allowing us as law abiding citizens the natural right to defend ourselves with lethal force.
Mr Cameron, YOU or any government can't stop terrorism any more than you can stop a jelly wobbling on a plate when it's being carried down stairs!
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Tue, 06 Jan 2015 08:38:31 GMT Extremism is not welcome in my life...
...I am a libertarian, I believe anyone should be able to do anything providing it is not having a negative effect on another person.
If 2 consenting adults want to hurt themselves for sexual fulfillment then that's their twix and no one should do anything to stop them. If a man want to run back into his burning house to save his dog or cat or PS4 then again, that's his choice. If a woman want to buy herself a pistol to carry in her purse that's OK with me considering how useless our police force is, they're more concerned with looking for offensive tweets than catching criminals!
With this outlook on life extremists of all kinds are not welcome, religious, sexual, ideological or others. You may notice I did not use the T word. Mostly because the only terrorism I see is that of our leading classes. Hand holding the blind and stupid to a place where they can mould them like putty!
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Sat, 03 Jan 2015 13:46:56 GMT Confiscation of firearms based on hearsay
"Essex Police checked details of licence holders to see if they had ever been the perpetrator of domestic violence, even if they had not been arrested, charged or found guilty."
How worrying is that? Very worrying. The fact that you can be denied a firearm or have a firearm removed from your possession because someone reports you for domestic violence or other violent offense.
Lets not dilute the issue by focusing just on firearms. What about everything else this could lead to? No need for a conviction to use asset seizure laws, hearsay is enough now!
John Lowe probably would have stabbed his wife and daughter had he not had a shot gun to use!
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Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:48:21 GMT The foolishness of people in power (Ebola)
So a nurse gets the dreaded Ebola and it is discovered she has contracted it when sh is in a hospital in Glasgow. What do those who no better than us do??
Move her 500 miles to London?!?!?!
Seriously? Why would you not just quarantine her where she stands? Instead lets cart her across the country exposing potentially thousands of people to a contagious disease!
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Mon, 29 Dec 2014 12:53:15 GMT Stop the ROT anti-smoking campaign
So the Public Health England (PHE) (whoever the they are) is spending more pounds trying to get people to quite smoking by nagging them to death... Now they are turning their gaze upon roll-ups!
There are more shouts of "It's bad for you" same as last year... If it is SOOO bad then why is it not completely banned... Ahh, yes, the billions in tax the government likes to take!
Simon Clark, director of the tobacco lobby group Forest, said: "Campaigns like this are an abuse of public money. Education has been replaced by shrill scaremongering that is often counter-productive because it's human nature to switch off when you're being nagged or shouted at on an almost daily basis."
Well said that man!
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Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:13:05 GMT Ethnic Minorities
We are giving them too much, crimes are being ignored, injustice is rife, they are being spoon fed via our national guilt.
Some things you should remember:
- The blacks sold their own family's to us!
- If the word "nigger" is so offensive, why do so many of them use so happily to describe themselves?
- The word racist has been diluted by liberal lefties in an attempt to demonise anyone that disagrees with their opinion!
- History repeats its self.
With that last point it mind I see a future in the western world where the ethnic minorities will out number us. At that point the tables will turn. They will not show the social grace and generosity we have in allowing us to continue to live peaceful lives.
Be wary, be warned!
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Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:55:07 GMT Louisa Manning
Louisa Manning Is a sad a deeply disturbed individual who seems to have forgotten the one rule that has saved me and many others from living a life of resentment and hatred.
Louisa Manning! You are not the only person that was bullied, you are not the only one that suffered. You do seem to be one of the only ones that has carried their childhood fears and hatreds into adulthood!
You are a sad reflection of modern society and you will pay for your publicity for a long time!
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Thu, 29 May 2014 12:40:57 +0100 Pale Moon Flash Player Linux (libflashplayer.so Slackware)
If you are having bother getting flash videos to work you might be making the mistake of installing the x64 version. Pale Moon does not seem to recognize the x64 version. Try installing the i386 version to /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins..
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Tue, 27 May 2014 16:57:44 +0100 Thunar or other file manager not auto-mounting
Having bother getting Thunar or any other file manager to auto-mount your favorite removable media?
I'll guess you're probably launching your WM from .xinitrc....?
Try adding:
eval 'dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session'
exec ck-launch-session mate-session
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Wed, 16 Apr 2014 11:23:02 +0100 Police investigate after Ed Balls hits parked car
Police investigate after Ed Balls hits parked car
Ha ... I got 10 weeks in jail 5 years ago for "Leaving the scene of an accident" (where not one was injured and NO damage was done) I only touched the other car...
Well, we shall see how Ed Balls (titter fucking titter) is punished, no charges brought no doubt because Ed is important and rich!
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Mon, 07 Apr 2014 12:58:12 +0100 Zenimax Bethsoft Elder Scrolls Online Review
Guys, you cant take a WOW clone, slap a TES logo on it and make it TES ANY MORE than you can paint a car red, slap a Ferrari badge on it and call it a Ferrari. ESO Has held my interest for less than 6 hours and I don't really think I'll be playing it much more ... Fucking waste of 50 quid!
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Tue, 25 Feb 2014 09:49:07 GMT The Appearance of Words
Strange as it may seem up until about 4 weeks ago I'd never heard of or seen the word instantiated
verb (used with object), in·stan·ti·at·ed, in·stan·ti·at·ing.
to provide an instance of or concrete evidence in support of (a theory, concept, claim, or the like).
at all let alone in a technical context.
Now, four weeks after seeing it in a dojo programming development document it pops up absolutely E V E R Y W H E R E!!!
Why does this happen, it' not the first time it's happened either?
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Wed, 29 Jan 2014 09:56:33 GMT Lilo, Grub and Grub2
So lets improve lilo and replace it with a boot manager that does not need to be updated each time you make a change to the config file, personally, I thought that was a brilliant idea. The times I changed the lilo config file and forgot to run update-lilo where uncountable!
A few years later, lets improve grub and turn it into grub2. A better, more flexible boot manager that has more configurations file than ANY boot manager before and, while we are at it, lets create yet another scripting language for all those user to learn along with the 40 others they already need to know to ANYTHING on a modern Linux system. And to add the icing on the cake, lets do this all in such a way that you, once again, have to run and update program to get it all to work...Oh, yes, one last thought, lets give the update program a completly obscure name like grub2-mkconfig!
By the power of Greyskull, what is wrong with people these days? Grub2 is a definiate step backwards if I've ever seen one!
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Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:29:16 GMT The bloat of Fedora Core
I've been using Fedora (well, Redhat to be accurate) since Appolo (1998) and have always found it to be a sturdy, easy to install and reliable system.
The same can be said of the early Fedora Core systems too, all easy to use, do what they are supposed to and not much else.
Recent version however, not so! I'm just now installing FC18 on an old Toshiba laptop (1GiB RAM, 1.4Ghz CPU, 40MiB Disk). and after a minimal install (if you can call 681MiB minimal) I want to install X, no desktop environment, just X.. To my shock and horror this requires another 500MiB of files? To 1.2GiB for simple install... What has become of what was once my favorite Linux distro?? I'll stick to debian for now but even that is slowly removing packages I use. I'll be onto LFS before I know it just to get what I want!
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Linux does indeed suck these days!
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 11:02:08 GMT Games (Tomb Raider and Far Cry 3 to be specific)
Being a long term fan of the TES and Fallout range of games and with no new release for a while I've had to turn my attention to other titles recently (specifically over the Christmas and new year period). I tend to steer away from EA (Electronic Arseholes) and Ubisoft (Ultimate Blasphemous Idiots) mostly because of their stupid DRM making playing a paid for version of their games harder to work with than a cracked copy (although once I've bought the game I tend to download a cracked exe if I can).
To that end here's a quick rundown on what I think of these two games:
Far Cry 3
Repetitive, dull, bad graphics, OK AI, semi-decent weapons (I'm into archery so games with bows always get a plus), decent total play time, better than Far Cry 2, incessant un-skippable cut scenes (I REALLY don't care for the story, it's an FPS!!), godforsaken quick time events. Glad I got it for a tenner, would have been upset if I'd have paid 35 quid for it!
Tomb Raider
Repetitive, OK graphics, OK AI, semi-decent weapons (I'm into archery so games with bows always get a plus), bad total play time, incessant skippable cut scenes, godforsaken quick time events. Glad I got it for 12 quid, would have been upset if I'd have paid 35 quid for it!
That's it, Halflife did OK without tons of cut scenes, so did the entire Quake range of games. Dev's can we stop with the trying to make games realistic please?? GAMES ARE NOT REALISTIC!!!
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Both of those games are pretty dire!
Tue, 14 Jan 2014 14:40:26 GMT CSV NOT A CSV that has commas in the text / fields / coloumns
We've all seen them, so called CSV files that have commas in the actual data! That means they are NOT CSV files doesn't it??
This is a tricky one for most people....Thank fully I'm not most people ;) I've read dozens of ways using complicated code (sometimes hundreds of lines there of) and to this day the simplest way to deal with these NOT CSV files is to take a step back from your degree in computer science and think like a child!
"Col One","Col Two","Col Three","Col, Four"
You can see the problem there, as far a we are concerned its got four columns, splitting this line up on the commas (as we are supposed to do with REAL CSV) won't work will it? So to solve the problem we split on multiple characters EG;
(in perl): my ($col1,$col2,$col3,$col4) = split('","', $line);
(in php(to an array)): $array = explode('","', $line);
(in java): String[] parts = yourString.split('","')
It's not perfect and you will need to remove a leading and trailing " nor does it work on NOT CSV " encapsulated text but ... Job Done(I hope :)!!!
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Wed, 25 Sep 2013 12:00:08 +0100 Akeela Ahmed
"These findings indicate that we need to ensure young people are mixing at local levels and that they're working on projects together so that people can get to know Muslims and vice versa."
No Akeela, that is NOT what needs to happen, what needs to happen is that you leave the young people to make their own minds up rather than trying to force them to "like" Muslim youth's
If you want to tackle prejudice lets start by actually making race a NON ISSUE. Three simple things can be done now:
- Remove race question from job applications.
- Remove racially based quotas from employment law.
- Remove so called "positive discrimination" from society.
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Wed, 28 Aug 2013 13:24:17 +0100 The Public Interest
We've all heard this term over and over in the last few years, it's been around in common law for a long time. The question I've always pondered is:
Who get's to decide what is in the "public interest"?
The Government as a whole?
A single politician?
A judge in a crown court?
A public prosecutor sitting in an office in Whitehall?
Just take a look at the term in it's various legal forms and sadly, it is NOT for any one person to decide what is in the "Public Interest" is it? Surely it should be down to the public. Maybe, if we lived in a truly free world we would have the ability to decide if an innocent person can be detained under section 7 for 9 hours? Or a criminal should be prosecuted "In The Public Interest"
Food for thought!
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Sat, 24 Aug 2013 00:55:38 +0100 Fedora 19
Been looking to update my Debian 6 based laptop...
Ive tried Debian 7, alas it is missing quite a few packages that I have come to rely on over the last couple of years..
Ive tried Fedora 19... My god what a nerfed cockup of an operating system that is these days. a partition manager that is more confusing than a Japanese VCR manual. CLI Is telling me its using a UK keymap but when I shift and # it printing a freaking question mark. Dont even get me started on systemd.
And Fedora 19 is so very VERY S L O W!!
Where do I go from here? Stick with a 4 year old version of Debian?
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Thu, 06 Jun 2013 09:15:49 +0100 Bank card thefts soar
Really, I wonder why that might be ... Maybe chip and pin?
Card providers are concerned that significant numbers of customers do not bother to cover their pin numbers!
Well I do declare, did those well paid R&D chaps at the banks not take human nature into consideration?
People DONT change their habits particularly well and now we are all at risk of mugging and assaults when we are at our most vulnerable.
When you are at a cash machine or chip and pin machine A N Y W H E R E keep be aware of your surroundings!
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Thu, 23 May 2013 09:41:29 +0100 Woolwich Knife Attack
Condolences to this soldiers family, Im sure he will be sorely missed.
Had the British public had the right to arm themselves this man would still be alive and domestic terrorism would be less of a threat.
How long are we going to continue to put the safety of our loved ones in the hands of a limp and underfunded police force and a bunch of do gooding bureaucrats in Whitehall.
Just think how quickly one practiced citizen armed with a .38 revolver could have put a stop to this attack and brought these murdering scum to real justice for the price of just 3 bullets.
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Mon, 30 Jul 2012 13:19:42 +0100 Windows 7 changes Windows XP on install
Could someone explain why my windows xp install seems to have started to misbehave since I installed windows 7?
Boot times take much longer, shutdown times take EVEN longer and it just feels altogether more tetchy!
Surely windows 7 wouldnt actually alter my XP installation without asking would it?
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Cos Microsoft is a skank that dont want you using there old shit!
Fri, 25 Nov 2011 13:31:32 GMT Linux and Windows Clock Time Problems
Having bother with linux losing or gaining and hour time each time you boot windows??? You need to check /etc/clock (or what ever file that equates to in your distro) and make sure the UTC= value is set to one (if you set your BIOS clock to GMT that is!
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Mon, 24 Oct 2011 21:51:32 +0100 CPAN Reconfigure Configuration
When you first ran the cpan command it nagged at you for ages about setting up the config. Sometimes you need to go through it all again. Use the command ‘o conf init‘ at the cpan prompt to make it happen.
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Mon, 10 Oct 2011 11:04:50 +0100 ID Software :: RAGE
I do find myself wondering why a game that can be completed in 20 odd hours requires some 21GiB of files??? Perhaps the soon to be released DLC packs are already on my computer!
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Tue, 05 Apr 2011 18:03:31 +0100 02 Vectra B Hub Nut Bolt
Is a 30mm deep socket, just in case you didnt know!
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Thu, 10 Feb 2011 01:23:34 GMT Gnome bluetooth icon not visible
Make sure you have bluetooth-applet added to your startup config!
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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:05:32 GMT Stop Nautilus Showing Desktop
Run gconf-editor, go to apps->nautilus->preferences. uncheck show_desktop
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Sun, 16 Jan 2011 21:56:24 GMT Police chief wants DNA database of prostitute clients
Police chief wants DNA database of prostitute clients
Sad isnt it, when you see a headline like that and YOU JUST FUCKING KNOW its a female rozzer asking for it!!!
When are these do-gooding twats going to realise, the countries with legal prostitution are the one with low sex offences???
Chief Super Intendant Alison Rose.... You are a twat with no sense of what is right wrong or going to help this lawless land!
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Wed, 22 Sep 2010 19:28:58 +0100 Android Video Player
After weeks of searching and testing I have found a video player that does what it says. It plays all the types I need FLV and Xvid AVI. It was cheap, £6! And when I changed phone to another one (the original broke) I emailed the writer and within 2 hours I had it set up and running again. I would recommend rockplayer to anyone!
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Thu, 03 Dec 2009 13:50:39 GMT The Police
Once again reports of crimes being committed are ignored by the police because, no doubt, those particular crimes are not part of their current targets. The trouble is this time, their ineptitude has cost a 4 year old boy his life. Not a quick instant death, a terrifying attack by a tame wolf!
Too many people forget that dogs are nothing more than tame wild animals. They will attack if threatened and more often than not, they will kill. Its not the dogs fault, its the dozy scouser twat that decided to keep big strong dogs in a house with his children
The police, they have arrested someone for man slaughter when they should have arrested him for illegal breeding many months ago and saved that boy from a terrifying and horribly painful death.
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Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:25:18 GMT EA Games (AssHoooools)
NFS Shift for PC is shite, bad handling, CTDs left right and center so I wrote and told em, this is their reply!
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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 12:14:10 GMT DHCPNAK
If you are having bother getting an ip address from your router / DHCP server and it is replying with DHCPNAK remove all leases for that interface from /var/lib/dhclient instead of spending 2 hours trying everything else like I did!!!
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Thu, 27 Aug 2009 09:12:22 GMT Windows Genuine Advantage Tool
Apparently it will help _ME_ identify if the copy of windows installed on my computer is genuine!!! Why do _I_ need help to identify if my copy of windows is genuine or a fake??? I installed it so I should already know and as it goes, it is genuine!! I have the disc on a shelf behind me with the shiny "This is a genuine copy of windows" sticker still on it!
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Tue, 25 Aug 2009 12:53:22 GMT Linux: Unpack a bunch of tarballs or zipfiles...
...or indeed run a batch command on a bunch of files in a directory!?!
$ for z in *.bz2; do tar xvf $z; done
Just replace unzip $z with whatever command you want to run!
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Sun, 23 Aug 2009 12:59:18 GMT Choppy Sound With Fedora 10
Tried different drivers, different sound cards all sorts of stuff then, in a blinding moment of inspiration ran the command:
yum remove pulseaudio
No more choppy sound, no more crackles and pops! Advancements in technology, what a crock of shite!
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Mon, 06 Jul 2009 07:09:01 GMT GAME :> Mirrors Edge
Free Running....Ha, what twaddle!
If free means following linear missions using only objects the developers have allowed you to use then yes, free running applies but this is far from it! Linear missions are one of the down sides to all games and with the gaming tech the way it is these days why are we still stuck following laid out paths in so many games!
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Mon, 06 Jul 2009 07:06:02 GMT GAME :> Prince of Persia
Such a terribly repetitive game from UBISoft, alas since playing Assassins Creed I get the impression UBISoft are going to keep repeating the repetitive game style for ever, much like their games
Climb around like a monkey for a bit, fight a black demon thingy, watch some plants grow, collect some white things whilst jumping and climbing around a bit more. Repeat until thoroughly bored!!!
GAME OVER (Well, not yet!!!)
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Mon, 06 Jul 2009 07:02:27 GMT Adobe Reader....
....Used to be a nice tidy, neat and small way to view multimedia documents! Now, in the name of progress and technological advancement it is nothing more than a huge but of bloat ware that even my quad core PC has bother using.
Why do they do this to use full apps??? It should be a sin.
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Mon, 08 Jun 2009 13:53:56 GMT New Phone: Nokia N95
...And the best part.....It was free :)
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Wed, 03 Jun 2009 10:38:25 GMT Climate Change
Im so so so very sick of this argument. Billions of pounds spent world wide fighting and bitching. It is man made, its not man made.... Spend the fucking money on sustainable development and research. Not a fucking pissing contest!!!
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Fri, 13 Feb 2009 12:49:05 GMT Working out rpm disk usage
rpm -qa --queryformat='%{SIZE} %{NAME} ' | sort -n
Will give you a list of packages along with the bytes used by each sorted smallest to largest!
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Well handy..Cheers!
God, how long have I been trying to suss that out!
Wed, 28 Jan 2009 13:29:04 GMT Improper Lords and MPs
Once again our so called leaders have been exposed for the money grabbing zealots they are. Prepared to accept a payment of £120,000 to bend some laws??? Through my eyes that seem a tad more normal than any Lord or MP that is tantamount to me trying to bribe a copper out of nicking me!
As far as Im concerned no peer, Lord or MP should be allowed ANY commercial interests of ANY kind and if found to be doing this kind of thing should have there peerage taken from them and be throw in jail for far longer than someone caught carrying a knife!
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Sick of it
They are all worse than criminals, at least when criminals get caught they go to jail!
Sat, 24 Jan 2009 17:06:43 GMT Gnome Automount Not Working?
The same applies to EFM, this should use HAL and dbus to auto mount and usb gadgets but there was a problem with auto mount outside of Gnome. There is a file in /etc/PolicyKit called PolicyKit.conf. This is where the problem lies. to this file you must add the following:
<match action="org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable">
<return result="yes" />
Ensure it goes between the opening and closing config tags. You should now have full auto mount in which ever window manager you choose!
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Mon, 19 Jan 2009 19:12:52 GMT yum install packages from ascii list
I have 2 FC 10 systems that need to be kept in exactly the same state. On one system I install what I need / want then do a rpm -qva > list to generate the list of installed packages. Then scp list root@host: to get the list to the remote machine. Then lastly yum install -y $(cat list).
There you go, go make yourself a cuppa and wait!
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Mon, 19 Jan 2009 04:03:49 GMT SSH Auto Login
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Hit enter so its saved in your home directory under .ssh/id_rsa (hit enter for no passphrase otherwise it kinda defeats the objective!)
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub remoteuser@remote.machine.address
If all went well job done! Words of Warning: the file~/.ssh/id_rsa is a security risk, if I managed to get hold of it I can put it in my home directory and login to any machines you use it to login to without a password!!!!
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Wed, 19 Nov 2008 11:19:33 GMT Condemnation of All
Police have condemned a man for skiing down an escalator in a tube station!
Extreme kayakers have been condemned for canoeing down a dam!
Is there no one left in the UK that finds risk taking exciting? Is life not to remain a sullen care full wait until death. I for one like a bit of excitement. It seems that most peoples idea of excitement is watching Jack Osbournes Celebrity Adrenaline Junkie on the telly!
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Tue, 18 Nov 2008 11:13:20 GMT The Barnardos Survey, 54% of adults think children are monkeys
Im sorry but I really dont think that 54% of 2,012 reflects the view of half the adult population as your study proposes.
Me + My Wife = 2 so by your reasoning one of us should think all children are beyond hope, alas neither of us do.
There are but a few bad children, the rest are well behaved!
The sad thing is I doubt this will ever get posted on your forum simply because I disagree with what you are saying. Rational constructive criticism has all but disappeared these days giving way to stalinism by all in authority!
No, it didnt get posted, surprise surfuckingprise!
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Thu, 13 Nov 2008 17:22:48 GMT The medias next target!
The media seem to have now got their hooks into a new fish to fry...Child protection!
The BBC front page for England today has a total of 6 child protection stories!
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Thu, 13 Nov 2008 04:47:30 GMT Eterm Font Troubles
Eterm: FATAL: Couldnt load the fallback font either
Thatll most likely be because you have not got the right fonts for your given locale installed! If you are using ISO8859-1 you need 75 and 100dpi ISO8859-1 fonts installed :)
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Wed, 12 Nov 2008 10:25:06 GMT Smoking and The Council
Paul Wella of Jam fame was doing a concert on Saturday and decided he fancied a smoke so thats what he did.
Local councilers are infuriated that he would actually risk the lives of all of those people just to spark up a smoke. They threaten the Cliffs Pavillion that action will be taken if another incident such as this where to happen!!!
Judging by this picture, it already has, in fact, it looks like hundreds of people are chuffing away :)
To Steve Ramm, of Southend Borough Council i say, YOU ar a twat and I claim my five pounds!
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Mon, 10 Nov 2008 20:07:44 GMT Audio System
I've been fiddling with my audio system for my PC for a while now, trying different amp and speaker combinations to find the best all round quality for both standard audio and 4 channel surround for DVD's. I do have a sub and centre but they are really surplus to requirements when you only sit a foot away from the front speakers.
I have tried 3 different dolby amps and a combination of 2 channel amps (one for front via a graphic, another for rear) and the best combo so far seems to be an old NAD 3020E paired to a set of Mission 761's for the front and a Mission Cyrus 1 pair to a pair of Dennon MC-1's for the rear.
With this set up i can have 4 channel sound for games and filums and decent 2 channel sound for just music.
Now all i have to do is get shot of this Yamaha dolby amp and set it up :)
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Tue, 28 Oct 2008 14:51:52 GMT Squid Password Auth
Setting up squid with a password is pretty simple. There are many methods one can use, the one I chose was PAM:
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
auth_param basic credentialsttl 4 hours
acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow password
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Mon, 01 Sep 2008 15:56:55 GMT Sick o this shit
To quote the Home Office:
"Driving requires full concentration at all times"
No it fucking does not!!!! It requires the ability to use the controls of a vehicle WITHOUT HAVING TO THINK ABOUT IT IN YOUR CONCIOUS MIND. Day after day i watch my other half pull out on people, carve people up on roundabouts, fail to indicate, drive to fast for the given conditions blaaa blaaa blaaa... Why, because she has to pay far to much attentions to the controls of the vehicle therefore at least 50% of her brain power is NOT paying attention to the outside world...
It's this ridiculous attitude that gets people like me, someone who isn't even aware of the effort involved in making a car more, indicating, changing gear and the like, in bother. I don't need to think about when to put my indicator or or when to change gear, it just happens in the same way yo don't need to remind yourself to breathe!
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Mon, 28 Jul 2008 00:38:12 GMT Adding X Fonts
Adding fonts to X is easy when you suss it out, doi just like this!
mkfontdir .
xset fp+ /full/path/to/font
xset -q
xset fp rehash
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Mon, 21 Jul 2008 13:58:07 GMT Global Warming Bullshit
Again, more lies, ignorances and stupidity from the IPCC and other bodies that stand to gather fortunes from the climate change scam.
Global warming, even on quite a grand scale, is something that civilisation can, relatively easily survive. A warmer environment will afford more rain and therefore more crops..
A glacial period however, is something that mankind is not quite so good at dealing with. There are many records of glaciation occurring in incredibly short time periods (10's of years in some cases) and that my dear IPCC is far harder to deal with than a rise in temperature.
Stop wasting our tine and money and start working to build a truly sustainable world!
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Fri, 18 Jul 2008 14:03:20 GMT Folders wont open with double click
Been messing with our folder icon settings have we... Only MS would put something in their os that looks innocent but can break it good and proper...
To solve this little problem go WIN+R and type REGSVR32 /i SHELL32 into the run box... Job done
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Wed, 16 Jul 2008 16:06:18 GMT Updating dyndns.org
Here is a litle script designed to use the output of ifconfig to update dyndns.org with your current ppp inet addr.
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Mon, 14 Jul 2008 02:48:59 GMT Loggin In
Can not execute /bin/sh: permission denied
Can no change directory /home/USERNAME: permission denied
Nothing usefull in the logs, nothing usefull anywhere, check file perms, check everyfuckingthing... Still no joy!!
chmod 0777 /
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Wed, 09 Jul 2008 19:17:53 GMT Emacs DEL and BACKSPACE keys...Grrrr!
I use a lot of different terminals over the course of a working week and this has always been a major problem... BACKSPACE fires up help instead of deleting left, DEL does nothing... TO solve this problem add the following to your .emacs or by using M-x
(global-set-key [(control h)] 'delete-backward-char)
(global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)
(global-set-key [M-delete] 'kill-word)
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Fri, 04 Jul 2008 14:01:17 GMT Stop Linux Screen Blanking
I never did like APM switching off my screen and, especially my hard drive. Tos disable screen blanking type the following into a console!!
(for console) setterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0
(for X) xset s off
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Mon, 21 Apr 2008 08:34:32 GMT Lovely Linux
09:51:18 up 576 days, 5:21, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Fedora Core 3......How many windows machines would last that fecking long without a reboot eh???
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Sun, 20 Apr 2008 09:17:04 GMT Nu Labour
"The foreign secretary warns Labour that squabbling over the abolition of the 10p tax rate risks electoral defeat."
Once again proving that all the foreign secretary cares about is his party winning the election and not about the poor poor people doing the jobs that no one else wants too!! This man (if thats what you can call a male politician, men have the minerals to stand by what they have said whatever the cost!) should be pointing out that tax those on the breadline is a foolish thing to do...Does Mr Brown want these low paid people to stop wotking and sign on because they cant afford to live any more???
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Wed, 26 Mar 2008 08:56:13 GMT Extreme blog councillor resigns
A Medway councillor has resigned after claiming on his website that there should be compulsory sterilisation for parents on benefits. Well fucking good for him, its about time somwone that might make just a little bit of a difference spoke out about these people...
I have heard them, Lucy said to her retarded looking boyfriend, "When stella is born we'll be on £350 quid a month and the council will have to give us a 5 bedroomed house" they already have 7 kids, all of which where born on benefits.
So, yes, something needs to be done about this undercast. Sterilisation may be a bit too far but loss of benefits wont work (starving children) so what do you do about the problem?
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Sun, 02 Mar 2008 17:12:57 GMT Gmini / CMoy
He heyyyy, i did it at last. Although i have previous experience at building electronic circuts ive never embarked on converting one from a standard PCB to a stripboard. The gmini never did have the berries to drive the ER6i's and only sounded good through the ancient sony MDR-A34's (BTW, if you have a working pair of these cannes, i have some good old fashioned pound sterling i would like to swap for them, mine arent going to last forever!!!).
Anyway, the CMoy took 2 goes to get right but now its working, my god does it work!
Before the gmini didnt get any louder above 80 on th dial, now, i can barely deal with the Db level at 80 let alone higher!!!
A N Y O N E with a little electronic experience and a taste in mobile music be it through your phone or a good old fashioned walkman should embark upon building one of these gadgets, wicked bit of kit :)
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Mon, 18 Feb 2008 13:21:42 GMT Smoking (Again)
Oh such a terrible vice, like speeding, it WILL kill you and all those around you. Alas i dont go for this bullshit, yes its causes cancer but it takes decades to do so. I have yet to hear of a 30 year old that has died of smoking related cancer (lung, throat bla bla bla). Chineese women have the highest rate of lung cancer in the world and less then 10% of them smoke!!
My query is very simple: If you, and my kids and anyone else near me can catch _passive_ lung cancer just from being near me when im chuffing a lovely fat rollup, why can you NOT blame passive smoking when you fail a marijuana drug test???
One rule for us, another for them i guess is the truth behind this!!Full Story - 0 Comments
Sun, 10 Feb 2008 16:37:44 GMT Fedora Core 8
I had a go at installing FC8 the other day and finally, they have turned it into a poor little brother of windows. Back in the day one had to know about PCI, IRQ, IDE, primary and secondary, DMA and all the other things that make a computer work to install linux. Now, its available to the masses but sadly at a cost to the old school like me. Im not particularly bother about this because i have the skills to build my own linux system from scratch. The crux of it for me was that when i had installed FC8 and rebooted it.....The dirty scumbag made me reboot again after configuring selinux (the security system)....Nads to that mate, i will build them myself from now on :)
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Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:52:37 GMT More Pictures
Some more astro pictures taken last night, nothing more than a tweak of levels! These are big images!!!!
Skywatcher ST80 Canon EOS300D 1x170 Seconds ISO200 (7.5MB)...
Skywatcher ST80 Canon EOS300D 1x60 Seconds ISO800 (5MB)...
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Fri, 30 Nov 2007 12:02:34 GMT American Indians
My god i am so fucking sick to death of hearing this, was it not the white man that _discovered_ and named America? And where the Native's not already living there? So whey then does all the fucking world insist on belittling them by calling them American Indians??? They're true designation and the one they deserve is NATIVE AMERICAN... Not American Indians.
It was their land and we stole it from them raping their women and land, killing them almost to extinction. If i where a native American i would slap anyone that had the cheek to call me an American Indian...
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Tue, 27 Nov 2007 11:46:20 GMT Stupid Electorate (at least thats the impression i get)
You must have seen the we are going digital ads on the telly by now? One i saw last night struck me so violently because it displayed the complete and utter contempt the government have for the common people
It goes like this: a man pulls up outside his house in a _going digital van_ having set his non digital video to record a show whilst he was out busying himself installing digital TV gear (i can only assume thats what he does cos he is driving a going digital van). He suddenly realizes his show has not been recorded because he doesn't have a digital video recorder!
The crux, the anger, the insult of this ad is simple. _they_ [the powers that bee] seem to think a man that drives a going digital van is so fucking stoopid that he cant even work out a video with an analogue tuner cant record digital shows
Thanks Gordy, we arent all as thick as you!!!!
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Sat, 17 Nov 2007 15:53:06 GMT Successful Astrophotography!?!
At last, after all the toil and trouble a semi decent picture of a celestial object!
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Tue, 13 Nov 2007 20:28:11 GMT AWR Goto
Yipeeeee....! At last, after 4 attempts (about 10 hours) at getting my goto system back up and running after my, err, holiday, its working!!!
The last few nights have been cold and clear so i took the opportunity to familiarize myself with the system again. The first night was a nightmare, couldnt polar align using the polar scope or iterative method, the finder scope was out of alignment so i gave up after about an hour. Took the whole lot indoors and sorted it all out in comfort. PTFE tape for the focuser on the finder, insulating tape to tighten up the finders front pivot (the O ring has dissapeared) and a bit of oil on the gears inside the mount
The second night, after all of my preperation, the power supply (a car battery with a charge attached to it to regulate the supply) started to freak out.
Finally, on the third night (last night) and after many fouled up attempts, i got a near perfect 2 star calibration only to have the gears start slipping!!!
Meching the gears is not too much of a problem, i done it while the scope was doing a massive slew so that i knew they where meshed properly..
I got a fair few objects in but the new observing site really only gives good views to a North Easterly direction but its better than lugging the gear into the car then out again only to suffer the problems i have mentioned.
I shall make some light screen to block out the intrusive street lighting (2 years of trying and the council wont shield the offending street lamp for love nor money (what do i pay council tax for exactly???)) and hopefully all will be well. I think i might get myself a TAL 100 R too :)
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Wed, 31 Oct 2007 10:20:41 GMT Morrisons
"Once upon a time you could get that on any street"
Well bugger me, really, and mr hanson / miss roslyn and other so called famous people, why might it be that we can not "get that on every street" anymore?
Dont, know, poor starlets, far to dense to work out that its THE FUCKING SUPERMARKETS that are using you to advertise their shitty replacement _market street_, thats why you cant get that on every street these days...Bunch of brainless retards...
And another thing...Is it not Ford that currently use a bunch of birds walking about the place using the tag line "Wouldn't it be a shame if birds didnt use their wings" only then to go on to try and convince us that if we dont use their motor we arent using our wings..
The sad parallel is that by using your car WE ARENT USING OUR FUCKING LEGS / WINGS are we mr ford???
Just one more while im at it...Tesco "You help to keep us going, we'll help to keep you going"... Notice that word HELP, sadly mr tesco, whoeverthefuckyoumaybe, we dont just help you to keep going, if it where not for us constantly throwing money at you YOU WOULDNT EVEN BE HERE!!! so lets have a litte respect from you please?
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Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:28:15 GMT Students...
What the hell is going on here, each and every day last week i have had an email from a student asking me for help with a perl assignment they have been given. What ever happened to learning?
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Sun, 28 Oct 2007 21:38:09 GMT Time for a new astro front page!!!
Well, its been a while since ive done any work on this bit of my site. Mainly becasue its been a while since i've done any atro work!!!
The reason..? JAIL
Yes, I've spent 5 months in jail and another 4 months with a tag attached to my leg stopping me from going out after 1845...Only in England could you get 16 months for not stealing anything, not hurting anyone, not damaging anything and not costing anyone any money!!!
I digress... Point being, i have had a rethink of my observing process (and a driving ban :). Whats the point in lugging all that heavy gear down the creek only to be shat on by the weather. Plenty of people observe from towns so im gonna make a few changes to our bin cupboard. Details to follow (and pics too!)
Come back soooooon...
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Mon, 03 Sep 2007 15:53:04 +0100 Probation Service
to ensure the prisoner's successful reintegration into the community!!!
Apparantly... This is the purpose of the porbation service!
Having recently been released on HDC with licence conditions forcing me to attend weekly probation 'supervisions' and a phsyco-logy course named 'think first' I would like to know if A N Y O N E can answer the simple question i have reguarding this whole ridiculous state of affairs.
How can i re-integrate into the community (get a job and all that entails) when i cant even get evening appointments with probation or this course??? Next week ....
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Glad you are back!
Well one idea is to not commit crime
Tue, 28 Aug 2007 12:50:09 +0100 Installing Eterm
1)Download Eterm and LibAST rpms from eterm.org.
2) Go to rpmfind.net and do an rpm search for imlib2_loader, from the list download the png and jpeg loaders (make sure to get the rpms, not the html files) you now have all the kit you need to get eterm seet up!
install in this order:
- LibAST
- Jpeg Loader
- PNG Loader
- Eterm!!! ....
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Sat, 11 Aug 2007 23:14:11 +0100 Bluetooth
What a fucking palava that it...Jeeesus christ! There was me thinking it would just be a case of getting a dongle and a new device would appear in windows explorer (an my nokia cable connection does!)... No no no no, got to go through your software to a bluetooth app, from that app to the dongle from the dongle to the phone! I spent most of yesterday trying to get my phone to talk to my pc to absolutely no avail whatsoever!
Bollocks to blue tooth!
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Thu, 09 Aug 2007 12:51:21 +0100 Debian on a USB stick
I, just yesterday managed to get a copy of debian sarge bootable from a USB stick. It really was quite a simple proccess in the end. In short; 1) Minimum Deb install on a hard disk, 2) Make and format a fat and a linux partition(or 2 if you want a swap file) on the USB device, 3) Grub for dos into the fat partition, 4) copy the Deb install to the USB linux partition, 5) Set up grub to boot it!
It really is that simple...
Ive also installed later versions of linux(FC7) and Enlightenment too so the whole linux thing took over a bit over the last few days :)
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Wed, 31 Jan 2007 16:15:49 GMT Goverment Website
All the parties have them! Why are they not being used to gather public opinion where policy descisions are made? Why are there no public disscution forums on ANY of them? Another gratuitous waste of money in the name of informing the public!
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Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:04:26 GMT Lone parent benefits!
So John Hutton seems to be set on destroying what little is left of family values by forcing single parents close to the breadline. I cannot beleive a goverment that where supposed to be using joined up thinking are so seperate in their policy.
Driving single parents out to work seperates them from their children at the risk of creating another generation of feral wild-ones! Another smack in the chops for common sense in the guise of saving the taxpayer some money. There are hundreds and thousands of non parents on the chat, why not make them do community work for their crust???
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Thu, 18 Jan 2007 00:02:05 GMT Interference!
Not on the radio, not on the TV, Im talking about those fuckers that come along when your right in the middle of a task and start touching and fiddling as if they can do a better job than you. Well let me whisper in your ear chaps YOU CANT!!!
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Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:15:55 GMT The Police
Not the band, the supposed law of this common sense forsaken land! I am sick to the back of my teeth of hearin sound bytes such as 'the law has been broken, we mus investigate' when what they really mean is 'our targets are below what they should be, we will arrest anyone we can'. Gone are the days of the local bobby that knew all the trouble makers in your neighbourhood. Now we have the politically correct PCSO instead. A useless shower of shit that, if i read correctly does not even have the power of arrest...
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Fri, 12 Jan 2007 13:14:41 GMT New Page
I have decied to write a letter to tony blair, i intend to send this letter when i leave this country later this year just so HE or at least someone in his party knows that they have made my mind up for me!
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Sun, 07 Jan 2007 19:12:36 GMT Global Warming
This is really REALLY starting to get on my tits now. For millions of years this planet has warmed then cooled then warmed then cooled. In mans superior wisdom some of us now believe that although the world has been doing this for milenia, this time, its our fault???
The UK contributes 2% to the man made carbon emmisions, over 95% of carbon emmisions are from natural sources so why is our goverment trying to tell us its our fault???
For those of you that believe this scare mongering, get a life and read a bit, you will soon realise that its nothing to do with us and everything to do with the way of the world!!!!
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Wed, 03 Jan 2007 14:00:47 GMT Bullies
Again i hear in the media of a child being arrested, in this case he was defending his pakistani brothers honor by pushing over a fellow pupil that was bullying his younger brother. The boy was arrested and now has a criminal record for doing a job that his school, the police and the government has failed to do.
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Wed, 13 Dec 06 14:09:07 GMT You have 20 seconds to comply!
For those of you that remember that, i have this:
And what a pain in the arse that was to build some of the parts are hard as steel and some are soft, super glue is the only way and anyone who has used super glue knows where that leads! Model parts stuck to your fingers, the desk and just about anything else you come into contact with. Anyhoo, its pretty much finished now so i though i would let you have a look!
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You have 20 second to comply :)
Wed, 29 Nov 06 14:42:39 GMT Crying Wolf
Once again i read stories of the English police spending a small fortune of our money on a ridiculous rabbit chase in the name of political correctness. This time they have spent 5 months search for all senders and receivers of an email that contained images of a black man falling foul of a fence and getting beheaded.
In my view, and probably a lot of others, this is just a MAN, a MAN that was taught a hard lessong when running from the police! Notice i say MAN, not nigger or gollywog or coon or indeed, any of the other derogatory terms one could use! He is just a MAN, so why would A N Y O N E deem this racist. I'll tell you why shall i! Because those that deem it to be racist have T H E E biggest chip on their shoulder, these days its also backed up by the PC brigade giving them an entire fecking forest on their shoulder!
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Wed, 22 Nov 06 12:44:07 GMT Alcohol
Im sick of hearing how its the goverments responsibility to do something about the alcohol problem. Firstly, the dont want us to stop drinking, they make far too much money from it. Secondly, the very same people that complain the government arent doing enough to combat the problem are the ones complaining about the nanny state. Thirdly it is nothing to do with the government if the individual is to weak to say no to a pint or a vodka is it? Sort you act out people, there is only one persons fault you are an alcoholic....YOURS!!!
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Fri, 22 Sep 06 10:08:09 +0100 Pox ridden windows XP
Answer me this.. When im using linux and i want to copy a WHOLE bunch of files from one place to another i go cp -Rpv file newfiles and no matter how big or small they are away it goed happily copying until there is no copy left.
With windows first job is to select them all, then copy, then navigate to the destination folder and paste them..Ah yes..I forgot, if one wants the operation to go smoothly you have to first ensure that _View All Files_ is set up in explorer options and make sure all the files are attrib -h -r -s otherwise you will end up with loads of prompts!!!!!!
So, here i go, p a s t e -: and off to bed last night at 4 am to allow the 40 odd gygabyts to copy over knight! :)
LIKE FUCK!!!! Are you sure you want to copy the encypted file..bla bla bla..is waht i was greeted, no you T W A T, i just thought i would tell you to copy it so you could ask me once more if i actually wanted to copy it! God i hate it!
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Mon, 18 Sep 06 18:36:04 +0100 Linux LiveCDs
Crap, all of em, they have all got the latest kernels but the oldest drivers. I must have tried about 10 over the last few days, only 1 had a driver for my net card. All the ones that say than can install on a usb stick / hd cant, these developers are so full of shit!
I give up!!!!
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Fri, 15 Sep 06 16:40:00 +0100 Litstep
Its been a long time since ive used litestep but im glad to see ive not forgotten how. Visit the litestep page to have a read look and download!
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Wed, 13 Sep 06 21:53:24 +0100 Kernel
Got a kernel compiled and installed but alas forgot to add NTFS support to it so i have to do it all again :( not that i want to because every other time ive ever done a kernel the second run has never EVER worked!!!
The FC5 Install is getting there. This install, once complete will be used to host all my sites on the co-lo machine next year :)
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Wed, 13 Sep 06 21:50:59 +0100 Enlightenement Window Manager for Linux (FC5 to be precise)
At last, after many evenings of downloading compiling, re downloading and compiling i have actually got enlightenment to work :)
At first glance it seem pretty simple, like most window managers but it does look a whole load better than all the others!
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Mon, 14 Aug 06 11:34:17 +0100 Terrorism and Planes
When is this knee jerk goverment going to realise that all this agravation and extra security on planes is actually GIVING THE TERROISTS WHAT THEY WANT. As i have stated previously on many occations the death and desruction caused by bombs is a bonus side effect.
What they really want is to be in our thoughts day after day, to interfere with our economics and to have us worrying constantly!
To inconvinence hundreds of thousands of people when the suspects have been arrested is WRONG, dare i say to inconvinience hundreds of thousands of people to save a few is also wrong and, lets face it, if the terroists really want to plant bombs on planes this wont stop them!
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Thu, 13 Jul 06 22:46:22 +0100 Keep Your Old Cars
So our dear old chum Gordy has decided to rejig the car tax fraud system. For those of you stupid enough not to work it out yourself making one car uses more resources and produces more pollution in particulate and gas form than the same car will chuck out in its own working life! To that end why has Mr Brown decided to tax people that choose to drive old cars for environmental reasons MORE than people that drive new cars?
In fact, Mr Brown appears to have applied the highest rate of tax on the cars we see the most, the ones ordinrary familys use, not out of choice but because they have to. I want Mr Brow to spend a week doing my job but using public transoprt to find his way around, maybe then we will all get decent taxation on our vehicles.
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Sun, 11 Jun 06 17:25:21 +0100 Knives of All Types
Why is every one so scared of knives and swords when every day we are faced with a perilous battle against CARS!!!
Even the biggest sharpest sword in a great warriors hand is no where near as dangerous as a car used as a weapon..
Knives and swoders are part of history and still, even with all of todays technology, a required part of life so grow up all you sandle wearers and relatives of those struck down by a crazzed junkie with a blade. The point you all seem to be missing is the one i just snuck into this rant without your tiny little brains seeing! It is the crazed junkie that is the threat, not the knife!!!
I have always carried a knife and always will, i have yet to stab slash or even threaten ANYONE!
What right does _ANY_ human have to tell me i cant have an authentic folded samurai sword in my house?
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Mon, 06 Mar 06 10:57:43 GMT The Police
What is it with these people? Why do they think that they have the right to pillage every single little chunk of personal info every time we even dare to talk to them! On my way back from a friends recently i needed a leak so i turned off the A2 at brenly corner roundabout down a little side road. To my horror there was a police road block stopping every car that passed!!
Not a problem really, my car is legal as am i, they were after info about the Securitas robbery, apparently someone had been seen passing stuff into a royal mail van(fucking dodgie postmen), the special constable proceeded to ask my name, address, dob, mobile and landline. He then went onto my passenger and asked the same info! Then, and only then after he had extracted all the info he could about us did he mention a date. Where you down here on the 21st Feb 06? No actually mr sad policeman with no brain and a nosey streak bigger then the marinas trench, we where in lapland!!! Thank you for you time sir!!!
A few days later i rang the police with reguards to disposing of a car(an old banger of and astra) again, i have to dish out name, number, address and dob...JUST TO GET A PHONE NUMBER!!!
These people have no right to this info unless they are arresting me so why do we...the english public...put up with it??
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Mon, 27 Feb 06 11:42:04 GMT SATA advantages over IDE
In plain old fashioned English....NONE!!!
Ive jsut installed a 150GB SATA raid array to my home PC, i copied my winXP partition to the new drives(reducing the SATA raid array to 120GB, nevermind) and when i rebooted i noted absolutely NO DIFFERENCE...OK So _they_ would have you believe SATA cab do 150MB per second and IDE can only do 133MB per second, believe me, it makes not one iota of difference to the actual speed windows runs, boots or shuts down at!!!
To those of you thinking about upgrading to SATA, dont fucking bother, its a waste of time and just yet another way for huge commercial enterprises to make dollars from us. The same applies to PCI EXPRESS video cards, my new motherboard has a PCI EXPRESS slot instead of an AGP slot, do you remeber how _they_ said AGP will be sooooo much quicker then PCI??? And now they are reverting back to PCI...Its a money grabbing conspiracy created to earn, not to make life easier!!!
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Thu, 19 Jan 06 15:16:29 GMT Fucking Women
Well, not actually fucking them in the horizontal jogging sense, fucking as in what the fuck is wrong with them???
Ive just had one of my work mates friends ask by txt(yes not even got the minerals to ask to my face at 30 years old :) does he like me? The reply i wanted to give was you have tits? then yes i like you ;) alas i result to gimpy she got nice hair and a nice smile....
The moral of this story is simple! When some one asks somthing like this tell them what you think then wait for the grief. Her reply was Well he is with someone and im far to good looking for him!!!
What sort of a cunt asks someone somthing like that then throws it all back in their face?? I will save you the though, a self-loving premadonna, thats fucking who! To Natalie i say!!! I earn over 50K a year bitch, im inteligent and mature! You are a single dole scrounging mother that should obviously still be at school playing litte games in the playground with your friends! At least my freinds are my age and not all 20yo lesbians :)
A final note: Fuck You Bitch, find somthing more creative than charator assassination to do, maybe next time ill put your phone number up here eh.....!
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Mon, 14 Nov 05 12:52:26 GMT Bath and Somerset
For the lover of Jesus Christ on a fucking harley davidson!!!
The journey to Bath was shit...Rain stopped play, well reduced the speed of play to and average of about 30MPH along a 50 odd mile stretch of the M4...
The b and b was nice, the second b, breakfast that is, well... Sick scrambled rotten eggs the menu did not say!
At the door i read the price list, again i am shocked to see those on benefits get a subsidy of 50% off..Me and the other half pay our £9.50, YES £9.50(i only wish my computer could do upper case numbers). After walking through a dimly lit maze of chunks of old stone we arrive at the actual central bath. A place where the community can meet and socialise for over 2000 years...
I look up to see signs every where Do not enter the water and Do not touch the water.... Err WHY??? What the fuck exactly did i pay a tenner for then you bunch of sandal wearing cunts? To look at a pile of old stones and an overgrown puddle. Fuck me, there where even _guards_ standing a round wating to tell offenders off for touching the water!
I left a note in the visitors book As usual for the UK this is far to expensive, have you chaps never heard of getting people to sign a disclaimer??? I was the followed for the remainder of my visit by a hapless memeber of staff that read my comments and obviously thought i was a terrorist with intentions of urinating in the water!!!
On to wookie hole!!!
Fuck me, another fucking rip off £10(almost) to be led around some tunnels by a fucking gimp in a quilted jacket! A tenner to be told stories about blue peter presenters and other _famous_ people that have been diving in the caves!!! Again, sir! excuse me sir, you cant take your shoes and socks off and paddle in the water, we arent insured for that...! A fucking tenner to get in and your not insured to allow people to paddle???
This is why i have grow to hate england in my adult hood! Jesus, i do alot of road trips in mainland Europe, you dont get this kind of shit over there. I visited a V3 installation not 2 months ago, huge chunks of rock where clearly falling from the ceiling as we passed, deep water filled drops where present left right and center! The price? 2 euros...
The seemingly brainless society we live has bred contempt from me, i am inteligent enought to understand the risks of being alive and i DONT need some lentil eating do-gooder telling me that i can go in the water at the roman baths in case i get sick.. Nor do i need some quilt clad fuckeroo to tell me i can paddle in the freezing bastard cold water of Wookie Hole....
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Mon, 24 Oct 05 10:09:56 GMT More Goverment Bullshit
If you speed it could cost you alot more than money!!!
WHY WHY WHY...??? I dont mean to insult anyone but i am weel and truly bright enough to KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt that it is not SPEED that causes accidents, its twats not paying attention to the road. I see them every day!!!
They pull out on you and when you toot them they jump out of their skin becaue they didnt even see you! I want the goverment to stop wasting money(that they make with speed cameras) telling us that its dangerous to speed! I want them to start tacling the root cause of %70 of accidents, lack of concentration!
Is it fair that a police man can give me a speeding ticket for doing 33 in a 30 limit when on a recent drive to Norwich i encountered more danger from mis-leading road signs than people speeding???
STOP wasting our money on telling how dangerous going fast is and start concentrating on the real cause of accidents......
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Fuckin agree mate
Tue, 11 Oct 05 08:27:48 GMT Traffic!!!
Every day i drive along a small section of the A2, about 4 miles worth. Today i decided to count the cars i saw with just one person in! In that little 4 mile drive the only car i saw with more than 1 adult in was my one(which by the way i am dying to get rid of so i can buy a bike).
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE, why do you need to clog the fucking roads up with your cars with just one person in? Why cant you take your work buddies with you and share the cost of petrol? Or even get your selves a bike?
The traffic situation is only going to get worse unless somthing is done about htese people using huge chelsea tractors to drive one person to work! Tony Blair, it time to start punishing those that drive to work on their own!!!
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Tue, 20 Sep 05 12:22:03 GMT Motorways
Fucking M25....Ha, how can they call it a motorway?
I went to London via the M4 last night and as i approached the heathrow area i notice more road works, not a problem i hear they cry!
No, the road works them selves are not a problem but what is a problem is the gantry signs say 60mph and speed cameras going off at 40! Each time the reflective orange coating of a speed camera is notice i was confronted with a sea of red brake lights scrablling to reduce their speed before the camera.
I wish the goverment would be a little more honest about the scamera thing and admit they are placed to make money, NOT for safety.
Each time i go near the M25 i find my self spending more time worrying about how fast i am going and far less time worrying about the road, this is not a safety issue its a fucking money issue
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Fri, 16 Sep 05 09:19:14 GMT Immigration
Why are wee still opening our countries door to all and-sundry? This has been going on for too long. I now notice that a lawyer is preaching that a group of nigerian immigrants face torture if they are forced to return home. My guess is that they should have thought of that before they ran away from their country.
I am sick of people running from countries that are i that state we where 100 years or so ago, we have had our fair share of torture and dictaorships and have overcome them. This is what these people need to understand, running from this does not solve it, they need to stay and fight the problems. Only then will thier homeland be safe for future generations.
Cowards one and all, those of you that are about to email me saying _you would do the same_ dont, i would not run from an evile dictator i woudl fight!
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Wed, 14 Sep 05 12:19:07 GMT Greedy Fuckers
The threat of refinery blockades is once again looming and in a truly predictable move every fucking man and his cat are rushing out to fill their cars with fuel. What do they think they are going to achieve? Other than showing Mr Brown that he can, indeed charge what ever the fuck he wants for fuel and we will still buy it.
To those greedy fuckers i say; If it runs out is runs out, all you are doing is exstending the fatefull _i cant come to work today ive go no petrol_ call to your boss by a few days!
Any way, you should get a job with a nice boss like mine that wull pay you to sit at home because it is not your fault that you cant get in!
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Wed, 13 Jul 05 11:21:00 GMT Filters
I recently bought a Baader Fringe Killer to attempt to remove the false colour generated by my Evostar 150, i have written a review of the product for the breif time i have used it.
See the review here.
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Tue, 14 Apr 05 16:00:00 GMT Trafic
Oh the children are back at school the children are back at school, i know they are, im sure they are it takes 45 minutes to get to work!!!
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Sat, 13 Apr 05 16:00:00 GMT Insurance Companies Again
I think they know that by law we need insurance to drive and they take advantage of that when we claim!!
Ive been trying to get a couple of faults they _forgot_ fix in the first place repaired for nearly six months now.....YES SIX months. Last week i was told, yes we can repair those faults Mr Geake, just now i was told no we cant...!!
Coupled to the the we will call you tomorrow and never do i vote Highway Insurance one of the most awkward and nonsensicle companies i have dealt with. They really dont know there arse from their face ;)
I would link to thier site but they really dont deserve the traffic
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Wed, 30 Mar 05 16:00:00 GMT Ex Girlfriends
I have just spent 7 years of my life trying to do my best by one of the most awkward, unreasonable angry insensitive rape vicitms i have ever met. I have fed, watered and housed 2 children that i didnt ask for and suffered an abortion(without my knowledge or consent). I spent night after night sitting in "babysitting" said children while she spent my hard earned cash on cocain and alcohol. Now after i recently refused her offer of un complicated sex and have kept my mouth shut about her renting her council flat out to whom ever would pay the higest price i find myself the target of the infamous CSA...
To Sarah Henderson, 07788697848 i say, why are you not happy that you have made my life a misery by forcing me to leave 2 children i had grown to love just to escape your unreason? Why do you have to now attempt to ruin my life by trying to force me to pay to you money that i already pay in tax and ni contibutions. You will get nothing more from me.
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Wed, 16 Feb 05 16:00:00 GMT Driving to Work
Normally this takes about 20 minutes and is full of people pulling out and cutting up left right and center. Following people along in the right hand lane of the dual carridgeway when there is absolutely no-one in the left hand lane(why do people do that).
The last few days, since the kids have been of school this journey has started to take less than 10 minutes???
Hmmm, i find myself wondering who is it that is not making this journey as awkward as normal?? Surley not the ladies!!!
God im gonna get some grief when my other half reads this!!!
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Wed, 09 Feb 05 16:00:00 GMT More Micro$oft Nags
I dont believe it, Ive just read that microsoft are to start producing their own Anti-Virus software! The cheek of this company never ceases to amaze. Thier lack of efficient coding when building thier operating systems leave such system wide open to attack from viruses and now they are to charge us for anti virus software.
Do we not think that M$ should cough up a free updateable open source anti-virus software. If it where not for thier ineptitude at building os's the virus writers would well and truy by out of work!!!
Full Story: http://www.canada.com/technology/story.html?id=25b53056-a9f7-4274-aa1d-47e194af4b3f
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Sun, 06 Feb 05 16:00:00 GMT Fire Lighting
I have, for many years prided myself in my abilities to light fires with nothing more than a flint and steel in UK and Euopean woodlands at any time of the year(even in the rain)
Imagine my distress when i visited my local woods today to practice this art only to spend 2 hours failing to light even a tiny fire!!!
Practice make perfect and i need alot more pratice ;(
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Tue, 03 Feb 05 16:00:00 GMT Micro$oft WIndows XP
Well, im selling my laptop so i though i better get shot of Linux and install the original copy of XP via the system restore disks!!!
All went well, as expected. This blog is simply to whine about the fact that this lappie is only 6 months old and upon installation i pointed the browser to windowsupdate.com ans yes chaps, it needed over 30 Security updates!
And my bank has the cheek to say "Your browser is not secure enough to use for internet banking" when i use FireFox!! Ha!!!!!
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Sun, 01 Jan 05 16:00:00 GMT Boiler Aggro
I have recently moved from a mortgaged house to rented acomodation provided by Moat housing of Sevenoaks. All was well for the first few months until the boiler broke down and failed to provide us with reliable hot water. A service call was logged with the contractor(Swale Heating) and the call center was told that we both work and any visit must be booked and aggreed with us first!
Surprise, 2 days later i arrive at home to find a "we called but you where out" card on the door mat. Another call to Swale Heating and a date for the visit was agreed. The engineer then proceeded to break the boiler to such a state that it no longer produced any hot water at all. This has continued for 4 visits over 2.5 months and the hot water has still ot been repaired!!!
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I work there and tbh yes it can take a few call outs until the engineer diagnoses what of the many many common problems your boiler is cropping up to fix but tbh there can b a number of reasons why it may to wrong. You customers get all your parts and labour etc covered by moat for free anyway I really do not understaand how you can complain!!
Tue, 23 Nov 04 16:00:00 GMT Farcical UK Law
HFC Bank, now theres a nasty peice of work. After getting a loan from them on a purely unsecured basis i encounter financial problems. Being the good citizen that i am i make contact by letter(lets face it thats the only reliable way to deal with this sort of thing) requesting a stay in payment... 3 months, no reply! I try again requesting a reduced payment untill i overcome the financial problems...again...no reply. They ignored my pleas for sympathy and instead applied to the court to use my house as security!!!
Yes you read right, the court has a time machine and have taken me and HFC bank back in time, changed the contract i signed to read "This loan is secured on your house!!!". Is this legal, obviously yes, is this fair...In a few words no fucking way!! What the court has done is favoured a financially massively superior entity and re-written a contract. It would seem that all your credit company need to do is ignore your corespondance, take you to court and say you made no effort to pay the debt(which i did) and the court will gladly sign your house over to them!!!
Law?? Piss take if you ask me. How can this be a fair system?
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Wed, 24 Nov 04 16:00:00 GMT Street Light
Just put a telephone request into my local council to see if they cant alter the sheilding on the street lamp in the carpark out side my flat. I used the excuse that it shines in through my kitchen into the bedroom and "affects my quality of life". I have before tried the "i use a telescope and..." issue but that got me no where fast!!!
I was told that "I will get the guys to come round and see if they cant paint your side out or somthing". We will see wont we.
As you can see i have no faith in my local authorities at all ;)
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Mon, 22 Nov 04 16:00:00 GMT Scopes and Alcohol
Got the new scope, and a mighty beast it is! Its the biggest refractor ive ever seen. So far ive had about 2 hours with it and its all seems well but only time will truly tell...
Had my neice and her fella round for dinner last night, oh wordy. I drunk far too much...
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Tue, 16 Nov 04 16:00:00 GMT New Scope Ordered
Ahh, yes. About time i got another new toy. I havent had a new toy for ages! I decided to order a SkyWatcher Evostar 150 on an EQ-6 mount. Should arrive at the suppliers today and hopefully i can drive down and get it tomrrow ;)
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Tue, 12 Nov 04 16:00:00 GMT Holiday Over
Ahhhhh.. What a nice relaxing week that was, i didi nothing for a hole 9 days. I fixed the brakes on the car but alas the weather was not kind to me so i got no astronomical observations done.
Such is life, the weather is looking promising tonight though!!!
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Fri, 29 Oct 04 16:00:00 GMT More Info
The car has been grumbling about Check Brake Pad for 2 weeks now, i guess its time to go change the pads then. Ooo grease and dirt whilst laying on a cold concrete floor! How Nice
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Tue, 26 Oct 04 16:00:00 GMT Having a week off
At last a lazy week is coming my way. All of my time off this year has been for proper holidays. Trouble is they do ware you out. This time i intend to do as little as possible for the entire week.
I also need to collimate my Europa as well as get a couple of private jobs put to bed. Hopefully that will all be done by the middle of the week and i can then spend my days checking at pics every hour to see if i can get a decent nights observing in....
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Fri, 22 Oct 04 16:00:00 GMT Today I Built My Blogger
Yes, this is a first for me, trying to log everything i do! Never was one for keeping a diary, i keep forgetting to scribble in them...
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