The modern woman

You are the epitome of a modern woman. You have no emotional control, no self control, you eat too much and don't move around enough, you are disrespectful in many ways on many levels. You consume and consume and consume, spending hours at a time finger fucking your phone or staring at the telly or youtube, you don't even write your own texts any more instead choosing to use ai. You take and take and take and give very litte in return. Your choice in clothing makes you look worse, you have no style, no grace and not much going for you aside from your pussy. You lack femininity of any kind, no compassion, no caring, no nurturing, no supportiveness. You fail to take responsibility for your actions choosing instead to blame everyone else for situations you created or made worse. You can't be lead in anyway either by kindness, threat or suggestion - you HAVE to argue and fight over every triviality. You express the same emotional traits as teenagers with hissy fits, temper tantrums and veiled scarcastic digs. You have a negative outlook on life and concrete solid, rigid way of thinking. Always why you can't do this or that never how do I acheive that. You turn every choice we make as a couple into a pathetic power struggle for the sake of it. You consistantly play the ever worsening victim with no real evidence of actually being victimised. The chasmic cognitive dissonace you display on the average day is beyond comprehension. You are incapable of examining the world and yourself in an honest and impartial way. You cast traditional male "wants" as misogynistic and in the 20 years I've know you have not improved a single one of the flaws in your character for one simple reason - you can't admit that you have any flaws. You see your father and husband as bullies but only because you are so weak that you are incapable of actually forming an intelectual response to any conflict that arrises instead choosing to express your "feelings" by throwing temper tantrums. You communication level is that of a small child - conversation not going your way? - throw a temper tantram and run off. You just spent 20 minutes arguing about the wrong "Amy". You and your ilk consitantly cast men as bad guys but sadly you don't even know you are doing it. You turn every attempt at communicating issue I have into a full blown argument using ad hominem attacks instead of sorting out the issue or telling me you're not interested. In said arguments you give the impression that you hate the ground I walk on yet still that very night you'll want a cuddle. I have some very important information for you in an fruitless attempt to undo some of the programming you've received from the media and other women:

Men don't like masculine women.
Men don't want drama.
Men don't want to fight and argue in a constant unneccasary power strugle over what color to paint the bathroom.
Men don't care how much money you make.
Men don't want to live with a woman that constantly plays the victim.
Men don't like mean, cold hearted women.
Men don't like immature and mentally unstable women (no matter what the excuse).
Men don't like bossy women.
Men don't like women that take and take and take but give nother in return.
Men don't like anyone that can't just say what they mean.
Men don't like women that can't self reflect.
Men don't like women that can't take responsibility for their actions.
Men don't like people that fall for the media bullshit (especially intelligent men)

Beware telling men they are all rapists, creeps and weirdos... You might just get what you want!

I am a high qaulity man - I have been since the first day we met. At any given time I speak my mind so there is no confusion about what I want, think or feel. I share my thoughts, dreams, wishes, plans for the future, sexual desire and fantasys with my chosen women and you have chosen to see all of that as me "bullying" you.

I used to feel like "I don't really like being around you at the moment.". For the last year to 18 months I've felt like "I don't really like you anymore!". Your behaviour over the last 2 to 3 years has just got progrssively worse and worse. I will admit, it has got better since you started doing HRT but it's too late - I'm done with it all and I'm just waiting for you to move out. Once you are "my girlfriend" you will be held to far higher standards than "my wife" and at this point I know you will fail very VERY quickly becasue you just can't look at what YOU did and think "yeah, I fucked up, I shouldn't have done that!".. I've been doing that my whole life.

For the sake of your sanity if you live with someone and you love them and you want it to work. Listen to them and either act on what they ask or tell them you aren't going to act. My wife has never done either of those. Instead she choses to fight, argue, blame, cry, have a temper tantrum, flip the converation back to me then complains that I'm never happy.. I would have been happy if you'd have listened and either acted on what I asked or told me you didn't want to do it.

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