UK Proposed increase in sentence for copyright infringment...

I am disgusted.. The government are proposing and increase in the maximum sentence for copyright infringement.

"Ministers have launched a consultation on increasing it to 10 years - bringing it into line with copyright infringement of physical goods.

The government said tougher sentences would act as a 'significant deterrent'."

Trust me Dave... I'm an ex con, I know all about deterrents. Here are some things your average criminally minded person would see as a deterrent in order of fear:

  1. Getting caught red handed by their victim.
  2. Getting caught red handed by their vicitm's family.
  3. Getting caught later via either the victim or their family.
  4. Getting caught red handed by the police.
  5. Getting caught later by the police.
  6. Eventually, after getting caught by the police and going through months, if not years of preliminary bail and court appearances, getting sent to prison, even if they get a custodial sentence.

The ONLY TRUE DETERRENT is the chance that you might get caught red handed and take a beating or that you might get caught red handed by the police!

Our interest I looked up other UK sentences with a 10 year maximum sentence to see how serious - sentence by sentence - the government think copyright infringement is when compared to other offenses, you may be shocked by the list:

  • Burglary with intent to inflict GBH on a person or do unlawful damage to a building or anything in it (non-dwelling)
  • Possession of firearm with intent to cause fear of violence
  • Possessing or distributing prohibited weapon or ammunition (5 year minimum sentence)
  • Riot
  • Making threats to kill
  • Administering poison etc. so as to endanger life
  • Cruelty to persons under 16
  • Indecent assault
  • Engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child
  • Causing a child to watch a sexual act
  • Meeting child following sexual grooming
  • Indecency with children under 14
  • Taking, having etc. indecent photographs of children
  • Committing offence with intent to commit sexual offence
  • Trespass with intent to commit sexual offence
  • Burglary with intent to commit rape (non-dwelling)
  • Assault with intent to commit buggery
  • Causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent
  • Engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a person with a mental disorder impeding choice
  • Causing a person with a mental disorder impeding choice to watch a sexual act
  • Engaging in sexual activity in the presence, procured by inducement, threat or deception, of a person with a mental disorder
  • Care workers: sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder
  • Care workers: inciting person with mental disorder to engage in sexual act

I'm sure we can all agree that these crimes are all morally, socially and legally are comparable to someone sharing a song or film.

On another, more cheerful note:
We'll see what Dave and his buddies do about that, that seems like the kind of thing that'll have them screaming to get out of Europe!

Also, did you know it is illegal to rip your OWN cd to mp3 and put it on your mp3 player/phone in the UK now?

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