Win win win win - my wife feels she HAS to win

You have a terrible habit of having to play the win win game. You go into any antsy awkward conversation with the "I'm going to win" attitude and if you start to lose you just throw a wobbler and walk out or start dragging things up from 3 years ago.

It's sad really that you constantly feel the need to fight with the man you married, to be in combat with him at every point of adversity instead of just listening and working on resolving problems.

You can't put YOUR ego and YOUR pride aside and try to understand what your husband is saying to you! You put more effort into going out with you buddies than you do when you go out with your husband then try to use some lame excuse about "it's not like for like" or "you said I look like a clown with make up on". When I confront about it you turn it into an argument becasue you can't just listen and accept and try to understand that it hurts! I guess if I was as weak as you I'd do the same!

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