Tying a Compound Bow D Loop

How to tie a D-loop

By Chris "Panzer" Frazier

One question that often is asked is how to properly tie a D-loop.  Although there are several different styles of metal D-loops on the market, a string loop is much preferred.  The metal loops are heavy, cause wear on the release jaws,  and can damage the string and serving due to the acute angles involved when the bow is drawn.  Metal loops are also potentially dangerous.  There have been reports of the metal loop coming loose during the shot, hitting the back of the bow and bouncing back at the shooter or observers.  Also if you are using a release with a non-rotating head the string loop will allow you to turn the release to achieve a comfortable anchor.

The first question usually asked is what kind of string to use.  You need a stiff, non-stretching cord about 1/8 inch in diameter.  Cord designed for this is available at your pro shop in bulk or in pre-cut lengths.  Beware of cord that is designed for use with rope releases.  I tried it and found it was too flexible and wore out pretty quickly.

Step 1. Begin with a section of cord about 4 3/4 inches long.  I started with the bottom knot but it doesn't really matter

Step 2.  Pass the cord over the string, loop it around itself and back under the string.

Step 3.  Wrap the cord under the string and pass it back through the loop.

Step 4.  Repeat the process but this time begin underneath the string and proceed in the opposite direction.  The knots should face in opposite directions to help prevent the loop from twisting around the string.  I've also found it more comfortable to shoot if the bottom knot faces away from my cheek. The loop should be just a little smaller than the finished size, it will stretch when you tighten it down.

Step 5.  Before you tighten it down you use a bowsquare to ensure it's positioned where you want it on the string.

Step 6.  I've found the easiest way to get it tight is to use a pair of needle nosed pliers to stretch the loop.

 Step 7.  Finally you need cut the tag ends leaving about 1/8 inch, then melt them with a match or lighter, and flatten them out.  BE CAREFUL NOT TO GET THE FLAME TO CLOSE TO THE BOWSTRING.  Some people will tie small knots the ends to keep the loop from coming loose.  If the end are flattened properly this should not be a problem.

That's all there is to it.  You can make final adjustments to the position of the loop by carefully twisting it up and down the string in the direction of the serving.  Also, ensure the knots are far enough apart to prevent pinching the nock when the bow is drawn as this can cause tuning problems.



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